Monday's Music Moves Me

All Things Christmas ‘Winter’ Songs

I spotted this squirrel image and added the bubble. Hop over to see Sandee for more Awww Mondays fun-spiration!

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! It’s mid-December.  On Saturday, I shared my second round of BoTB.  Did you get a chance to cast your vote?  If not, then I invite to play along before the polls close at noon (EST) Friday, the 28th.  It’s open to everyone!!

The weekends I reserve for my favorite fellow, so today’ I’m playing catch up from DH’s off Friday and it was my birthday.  I don’t need a lot of fanfare to celebrate the occasion, especially with DH because every day is present that I have to spend it with him.  It’s fabulous to see you on the dance floor.  This month the mewsic theme is all things Christmas but with the first day of winter is this Friday I decided to use this as part of my theme with this 5-song playlist.  Hit play to boogie with me!

Some 4M members are still on the mend but steadily making rounds.  On behalf of the gang, we sure do appreciate your prayers and support. Y’all are the rockiness, best friends ever! Now, please join fellow co-hosts: XmasDolly, Stacy, Colette, Alana, & me on the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts) below.

[tweetthis]I’m boogieing to “All Things #Christmas” with the #MondaysMusicMovesMe gang.  Come hit the dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

My Blogosphere life continues to be slow going with the holiday season in full swing and I reckon it’ll be like this until after the new year.  I guess we’re all in the same boat, so it’s just best to chillax and go with the flow.  Life is too short to stress, right?  Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon.

X💋X 💋,Cathy

Living in the moment, embracing the seasons is a hard struggle but time seems to evaporate so I wish to enjoy the now instead of looking to tomorrow.  It’ll be here soon enough.  McGuffy’s Reader is the brain-child behind “SPARKS” inspiration. Have a sparkletastic day! 😉






















  • XmasDolly

    Cathy, I wish I could’ve seen that it was your birthday sooner! Did you have a great birthday? You sure deserved to have one that’s for sure! Did you see the birthday I sent you on FB… hope so! I love the Beach Boys so happy you posted them. OH MY GOSH, DAVE JUST CAME IN AND TOLD ME TWO POLICEMAN JUST GOT HIT BY A TRAIN AND THEY’RE DEAD… OH HOW SAD!!! YES, THEY WERE AFTER SOMEONE. OMG, GOD BLESS THOSE POOR MEN… HOW SAD!!! PRAYERS FOR THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES! OMG….2 CPD officers killed by train while investigating shooting near tracks… so very sad!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Oh, good heavens that is horrible to hear that two police officers were killed in pursuit of criminals! I’m telling you these folks put their lives on the line every day. We’ll be saying prayers for these families. This Christmas is going to truly blue for two families. 🙁

      Yes, my birthday was okay. It wasn’t great but it was good. I had a mishap with the ’03 Camry resulting in nearly tearing the driver’s door off and I hurt my leg in the process. Thankfully nothing broken but badly bruised. God was watching over me. We have the car in a body shop and hope to get it back soon.

      Thanks for boogieing with me, my friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The cold is very painful! I can’t stand to have my hands and fingers exposed to the elements too long as they really get horribly achy. It’s been that cold already. Thankfully, our weather is a bit warmer than it was a week ago. We’ll take the good weather while we can. 😉

  • Myke Todd

    Your Winter musical presentation is wonderful. I have not listened to Sarah in far too long.

    Coming by after having voted in a timely manner is like coming to class, having completed my homework assignment.

  • Comedy Plus

    Christmas music is the best music. Love the Beach Boys.

    I love your Spark. It’s so very true.

    Have a fabulous day filled with wonderful music. Love you. ♥

  • John Holton

    I liked the music a lot! I was thinking that you should have run “Winter Wonderland” as a Battle of the Bands, but then I figured Dean would crush EWF like a grape, kind of like Bon Jovi is doing to Kelly Clarkson. I think it’s the video with him and the world’s sexiest chemical engineer (Cindy Crawford went to Northwestern as a ChemEng major before leaving for the catwalk)…

  • 15andmeowing

    I had never heard that Beach Boys song, very pretty. Nice spark too. I was unable to add my link, for some reason the last 2 days I haven’t been able to on any sites. 🙁

  • DrillerAA

    Happy belated birthday indeed. The Beach Boys winter song is certainly new to me, since they were typically all about sun, surf, and all things California. Have a blessed week.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Anytime I can spend time with DH is a good time for me. I prefer low-key birthdays with him. I’ve never been one for parties. Thanks for dropping by!

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    Any music post beginning with Trans-Siberian Orchestra is an automatic favorite of mine. (I already have my TSO post for Christmas Eve written). The Beach Boys song is new to me and was fun (as for me, I’m almost a child of winter – my birthday is today). Sarah MacLachlan hasn’t been on my playlist but she has a wonderful voice. Thank you for the musical moments, my blogging friend!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Monday to you, dear friend!

    I enjoyed this batch of songs for Christmas. That Beach Boys song was new to me as was Earth, Wind & Fire’s brassy extreme makeover of the holiday classic “Winter Wonderland.” I prefer crooner Dean Martin’s version of the latter. Dino always made singing seem effortless and made you believe he was having fun performing the song. I like how he plays with certain syllables for emphasis and amusement such as on “bluebird” and “parson Brown.” I always appreciate the bold prog rock sound of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and their “Wizards In Winter” instrumental is tunetastic. Canadian singer and songwriter Sarah McLachlan has a beautiful voice and my favorite in this set is her “Wintersong” from the 2006 Christmas album of the same name. “Wintersong” would be ideally suited for use in the soundtrack of a romantic or dramatic movie during a transitional montage that shows the passing of time.

    Thank you for the Monday Mewsic, dear friend Cathy. It moves me! 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for joining on the 4M dance floor. It’s always a pleasure to have you visit and to get your opinion on my playlists. Have a wonderful day. Hopefully, y’all are enjoying some nice weather. It’s a gray day in East Tennessee but the temps aren’t too bad. I just wish the sun would come out. 🙂

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