Monday's Music Moves Me

1980s Grammy Award Winners Songs


Thank you for including me in your Monday, kittens & dawgs! ? I am back on board co-hosting with the Monday’s Music Moves Me ladies – Marie, Stacy, and Colette. This week’s mewsic theme Scriptor suggested “Songs from Grammy Award Winners of the 1980s“.  You’re invited to join the ? linky party and hit the dance floor.


John Williams’ ET “Flying Theme” took Best Instrumental Arrangement and Best Instrumental Composition. He also took the win for Best Album of Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or Television Special category, too.



We saw E.T. three times, maybe four the year it came out and I recall we took my in-laws to see it. My FIL fell asleep. That’s not unusual. He does this at home. When we asked my MIL what she thought of the film she said, “He (ET) was so ugly that he was cute”.

Here are some tidbits I found interesting from Wackipedia.

In 1983, E.T. surpassed Star Wars as the highest-grossing film of all-time, and by the end of its theatrical run it had grossed $359 million in North America and $619 million worldwide. Box Office Mojo estimates that the film sold more than 120 million tickets in the US in its initial theatrical run. Spielberg earned $500,000 a day from his share of the profits, while The Hershey Company’s profits rose 65% due to its prominent use of Reese’s Pieces. 

[tweetthis]Today’s #music theme is “1980s Grammy Winners” & you’re invited to join the party! @Xmasdolly[/tweetthis]


What mewsic moves you today? ?


I hope to see back tomorrow to meet a new mewsical artist on Tuesday Tunesation!

























  • handmadejewelryhaven

    I too saw E.T. many times when it first came out…as that was the thing to do back then. I just had the pleasure of watching this On Demand with my two kids, who both got a kick out of it.
    It really is timeless.

    – Lisa

  • Colette S

    That is interesting to learn about ET.
    I’ve been thinking of renting it to share with my children.

    Thanks for sharing with us Cathy. HOpe your week is going well. God bless you *HUGS*

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Myke, I agree Williams is a movie score master. He’s produced some excellent soundtracks over the years, especially during the 80s. You gotta watch E.T.! It’s really a cute film and if you have Netflix then you can watch it there. 🙂

  • Debbie-Dabble

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment on my post about my Dad… Thanks too for sharing your thoughts about your own parents.. You are so lucky that you still have them…
    I loved ET!!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Debbie, yes I’m very blessed to still have my parents with me. I often worry about them as they have health issues. My daddy’s mom and all of his siblings except one had short lives (passing in the 60s). Daddy will be 79 & Mom will be 72 this year. 🙂 You wanna hear something really neat? DH’s dad will be 94 next week. Now, that’s amazing! Thanks for visiting! 😉

  • Arlee Bird

    I took my son to see ET when it first came out in the theater. We were on the road at the time and if I remember correctly we were in Albuquerque NM. I do remember it being a very hot day and it was so refreshing to be in the theater.

    I bought the DVD several years ago, but I still haven’t watched it. In fact, it’s been many years since I’ve watched this wonderful film. Guess I’m due to see it again, but don’t know when I’ll get around to it. So many movies to watch and rewatch and never enough time.

    I’ve got great music memories from the eighties, but I was listening to a lot of music back then.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Lee, I can’t really remember specific memories from this decade unless it was a big event but I do recall feelings associated with mewsic and I have mostly I get a good sense when I hear stuff from the 80s. We watched E.T. at the theater that use to sit outside West Town Mall. Do you remember it? Of course, they tore it down years ago. They had the biggest movie screen in those days and it was amazing to watch this film on it. Thanks for popping in today.

      • Arlee Bird

        I certainly do remember that theater. I went to see more than a few films there. I can recall the protests outside the theater when the film Last Temptation of Christ was shown there. I was living in Maryville at that time and seems like those protests were kind of a big deal then.

        Arlee Bird
        Tossing It Out

        • Cathy Kennedy


          I couldn’t remember when The Last Temptation of Christ was released, so I checked with Google. It released in August 1988. That only a few months after our first child was born and I believe we attended a wedding that weekend. It seems I vaguely remember a protest surrounding this film but that’s been too many years ago. lol What were the protests about?

        • Arlee Bird

          Many Christians were upset that the story depicted a dream sequence while Jesus hangs from the cross where he imagines using his powers to come down and “retire” from his life as a Messiah and instead gets married to Mary and lives a normal life. The film wasn’t too bad I thought, but it wasn’t a typical Christian film either. Bottom line is that many people felt it was sacrilegious.

          Arlee Bird
          Tossing It Out

        • Cathy Kennedy

          Lee, Oh okay. Well…I wouldn’t want to have seen the movie knowing this about it. Hollyweird tends to stretch things to make a film sell for whatever reason. Everything I need to know about Jesus I can read it in the Bible. I don’t need a big movie production to sell me.

  • 15andmeowing

    Great choice. I loved the 80’s, lots of great movie songs from Annie, Flashdance , The Breakfast Club- yes, I am old 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Ellen, I remember all of your mewsic choices. If you’re old then what does this make me? ? Remember, you’re only as old as you feel and being young at heart shows in everything you do. 😀

  • XmasDolly

    We went to Universal Studios for our Honeymoon. It was the grand opening for Islands of Adventure right next door. What a fantastic honeymoon we had it was the absolute best & crowded oh my!! They had this ride called… yep, you guessed it, “ET”! OH MY IT WAS TRULY AMAZING! Oh NOT the ride itself… well maybe, but it was the decor leading up to it. Sparkes and lights & the characters & weird plants and you didn’t mind standing in line because there was so much to see. Totally awesome and then the ride you were sitting on a bicycle with a basket and you were on the sparkly ride of ET’s planet & a whole bunch of little ETs around you you have to truly experience it. Just too much fun!!! I’ll never forget it all my life. Thanks for bringing back a wonderful memory my dearest friend!!! Have a rockin’ week!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    The “Flying Theme from E.T.” would be a good one to use in playing Name That Tune. At the very beginning it is hard to recognize but, when the melody kicks in at the 13 second mark, it becomes a piece of mewsic that millions of people remember and associate with the film. My mind couldn’t help replaying the scene in which the bicycles lift off the ground and glide past the huge, bright, full moon, an iconic scene in motion picture history. “Three Million Light Years From Home” is another awesome track that triggers images of the ugly/cute little extra-terrestrial. It reminded me of a song with a similar title, “2000 Light Years from Home,” by the Rolling Stones, a song from their 1967 album Their Satanic Majesties Request. It was one of my favorites in college.

    Thanks for the mewsical memories, dear friend Cathy, and have a great week!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Tom, The beginning is hard to recognize but like you pointed out after several seconds it’s well recognizable song for many. It reminds me how simple things were in those days. I’m not familiar with the Rolling Stones album but then again I am not a Stones fan. I will hop over to YouTube to listen to the song you mentioned just to see if I do know it. Have a good week and thanks for popping in, dear friend!

  • Debbie D.

    E.T. is one of those movies that stays with you years after you’ve seen it. It’s such a charming film and listening to the theme makes me want to watch it again, now. 🙂 Thanks for the memories!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Debbie, I agree E.T. is a cute movie. I haven’t seen it in years but I believe it’s available for streaming on Netflix. I always thought maybe Speilberg would do a sequel but it never happened. Have a good day, my friend!

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