.Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! Last week, DH and I took a day trip to Ebbing, Missouri. Don’t forget to click on the images for an awesome viewing experience.

This quaint town isn’t new to us. We’ve been there many times in the past. I know what you’re thinking, “But, Cath you’re in east Tennessee and Missouri is several hours off”. So, why were we in Ebbing, Missouri?

The truth is, we weren’t in Ebbing, Missouri. In fact, Ebbing isn’t a real place.

We were really in the western North Carolina mountains community of Sylva (hometown to Mountain Faith Band ~AGT contestants). You may recall my mentioning visiting there and if not here’s a brain jogger, its next door to Dillsboro, the town that lines its streets with luminaries at Christmas. Here are three related posts ( 1, 2, and 3) to satisfy your curiosity.

The next questions running through your head about now is why does Sylva, North Carolina have “Welcome to Ebbing Missouri” painted on the side of a building and why are do the business shingles read Ebbing?
Simple, Tinsel Town came to Sylva to film a new movie starring Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, John Hawkes and Peter Dinklage. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri revolves around a mother, Mildred Hayes (McDormand), who loses confidence in the local police to solve the murder of her daughter and buys three billboards to publicly blast the EPD for their lack of action to find the real killer.
We were about 50 feet from the director and McDormand. It appears he’s telling her what’s he’s looking for in this scene.


She dropped an unflattering, inappropriate word in her line, which I didn’t care for at all, but it was exciting to watching all the same.

It’s good!

The crew is quick to act gathering their stuff and to move on to the next scene.

Unfortunately, that one was taking place across the street inside the fake EPD.

This was a really cool way to end another day trip in the western North Carolina mountains. Now, I invite you to link your WW post below.
This was a long post, I sure do appreciate you sticking it out with me. I hope you come back for another peek through my lens with my newest addition of Skywatch Friday and get in on the Friday social media action. Have a fototastic day!
~all pictures captured with Nikon D7000 and Nikkor 18mm-105mm lens~
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Great fun watching – not so much fun being an extra though,as I know from experience!
Visit Keith’s WW / LINKY
Keith, we’ll that’s interesting. At least you can say you’ve done it. Like all things there is always a down side to everything.
Isn’t a cool experience to see a movie filmed?! I watched one years ago in Toronto Market area and we had a couple in my hometown. But Sam Rockwell!!!!! Amazing – I hope you get a chance to see him in action because he is awesome actor.
So I realized too late I did my WW post under my “test” draft blog which of course is not public viewing. duh! I’ll catch you next week with the photos though. LOL
How cool! I live in Nashville and when the show “Nashville” was filming here, Facebook friends were always posting pictures from the set. Apparently being an extra was a social thing for some. It always seemed like it should be so fun. And I love the premise of that movie. All too often missing people don’t get the attention they need from the police, especially after some time has passed and the case has gone cold.
Stephanie, doing the whole extra thingy would be fun to do once in your life, but anything g beyond that I don’t think appeals to me. Every time we girl Nashville I secretly hope to see or better yet meet one the big named country stars. ? It’s kinda funny how fame makes some one a little interesting. I’d say you have more opportunity to view more action filming, star gazing thanI do. It’s all in good fun to see what becomes of an opportunity like the one Sylva. If it’s a mere glimpse and that’s all I’m a happy camper. My life was made a little richer by the experience. ?
I like Frances McDormand. You two are always on the go. What fun. Please don’t be angry with me, but the candles in bags of sand at Christmas are luminaires if you like French or luminarias if you prefer Spanish. Luminaries are important people–like you. I’ve been fighting the battle of the luminaires for years. I know different parts of the country use different words, but a luminary is a luminary is a luminary. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie set.
Janie, you can never make me mad. I will never remember this…well I figured that I’d get it wrong even with Google’s help. I should’ve looked back on my comments where you pointed out my error previously, but I got into much of a hurry. Thanks for setting me straight, but I’m sure to need it again in the future. Did I hear a cringe? Lol Thanks for popping over. I’ll stop by tomorrow. It’s bedtime for me! ?
When you said you were in North Carolina, not Missouri, I knew it had to be a movie set. They film around here periodically (it helps to be in the same county as Hollywood), so I know how things get replaced to fit whatever they’re filming.
What a cool looking town and deal.
Patrick, it was great fun to be apart of!?
Cute kitties. I love watching the whole filming process. There’s so much involved, so many details, so many headaches. Can you imagine being the one in charge?
Crystal, this was a bit of unusual excitement for us. Definitely not an every day thing. In the mid-80s a film crew was in Knoxville to do one of the King Kong movies. They were calling for extras so one of my co-workers & I decided to go to it. It was a long wait mostly to only hand someone our picture & contact info. It was a long shot that didn’t pay off for either of us, but we have that experience with forever.
I knew it was a film set locale. It’s cool to watch them film a scene and she is one excellent actress. I hope you see the scene when the film comes out and doesn’t end up on the cutting room floor. It will also be cool to say you were there…and there…while watching this future movie. I wonder if her husband is directing? She is married, I believe to one of the Coen brothers
Birgit, really, you knew it was a film set?! That’s no fun.
lol It was great fun to see a Hollywood movie being shot even if it was only one scene. Not far from Sylva aka Ebbing, they are filming or just finished filming the new Dirty Dancing TV mini-series, but what I”m really excited about and I mentioned it to Tom is the Burt Reynolds movie to start filming here in town next month. Parts of the movie is going to be filmed where DD#2 works.
That’s super cool!
My folks are from Tennessee and Missouri. I love those areas. You confused me with WW on Tuesday!
McGuffy, I accidentally set the wrong date when I scheduled this post. So, I just left it up. We headed out the door early this morning for another day trip & we’re now on our way home now. I’ll pop in on you a little later. Thanks for stopping by & I’m sorry for the confusion on my WW timing.
Hi, Cathy!
I was puzzled for a few moments until you explained. I figured if you took a day trip from East Tennessee all the way to Missouri and back, it would have required you to set a new land speed record!
It’s exciting that you got to watch scenes of a new movie being shot in Sylvia, North Carolina, a town much closer to home. I loved Frances McDormand in Fargo and Woody in Cheers and the hilarious bowling movie King Pin. Three Billboards looks and sounds like a good movie and I know you and DH will want to see it when it comes out. I’ll BOLO for it, too!
Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Cathy!
Tom, I thought it would be fun to pull y’alls leg with this post, which by the way went up a day early accidentally, in letting you think we went to Ebbing, Missouri. ? McDormand did a great job in Fargo. We enjoyed that movie quite a bit. When I think of Woody I always think the 80s sitcom. Boy, those were good days for some wonderful TV shows! I don’t recall, if we saw King Pin or not, but I think it’s available for streaming at Netflix. We didn’t get to see Harrelson. He was already done with filming and flew back to Los Angeles a few days prior to our visit. I’m sure he would’ve hung around had I told him of our plans to be in Sylva. LOL Now, as exciting as all this was I have more fun to look forward to next month when Burt Reynolds comes to Knoxville because Hollywood is filming another movie. I’m thrilled it’s close to home. I hope to see some of the filming for this one, too. Naturally, I will share this breaking mews right here with my kittens & dawgs!
I encourage you and DH to watch King Pin. It is simply hilarious. Quite a few movies have been filmed in my neck of the woods, west central Florida, including Cocoon, China Moon, Edward Scissorhands, Spring Breakers and the Burt Reynolds buddy picture Cop & a Half.
Tom, I added King Pin to my Netflix “Watch List”. Thanks for the recommendation!