
25-03-2025 Vol 19

#AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches “H”

Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, I have appointments scheduled and will be MIA in Blogosphere today but I promise I will make things up to you tomorrow no matter how crazy I get! Yes, I believe I can get crazier than I already am!! We’re on day eight of the A to Z Challenge. How’s it going for you?  It’s been an honor to have many of my loyal readers. Today I sketched hands that make a heart. Do you give hand hearts to those you love? I give DH one nearly every morning before he leaves work.


Last year I challenged myself to venture outside my comfort zone. I picked up my pencil creating art sketches for the first time in a coon’s age, you’re welcome to check out my artwork here if you’re curious and I’m continuing the challenge this year, but instead I’ve gone high-tech using my iPad, Apple pencil, and the drawing app Procreate to sketch my images. Some will have color and others won’t. I hope you’ll hang with me throughout April as I doodle more art sketches through the alphabet.


Got sketch suggestions? Challenge me…drive me to step up to the task and then I will share it in a future post giving you full credit.


[tweetthis]This is my 5th year of the #AprilA2Z Challenge, please join me all month as I create iPad #Art Sketches. Today’s letter prompt “H” for #hands. #heart[/tweetthis]



Visit Annie at McGuffy’s Reader for “SPARKS” of inspiration!




My song choice for today couldn’t have worked out better had I planned it myself given that I sketched my A2Z picture weeks ago and ultimately turned out being a purrfec fit for today’s 4M theme, “Easter Songs”.  Feel free to boogie with XmasDolly (founder) and my fellow co-hosts Stacy and filling in for Colette (taking a temporary leave of absence due to health problems) is our fabulous friend, Michelle.

Please only link your mewsic post below.  😉

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.




Everyone keep fellow 4M & BoTBer, Michele from Angels Bark in prayer as she’s recovering from shoulder surgery for speedy healing. She wanted me to pass on that she’ll be slow in getting back into the blogging groove. If I hear anything more than I’ll happily pass it to y’all. I know we’re all concerned about her healing process. So, if you’re reading this girl – take it easy and don’t over do yourself.


I know what you’re thinking, isn’t that the song I used in my April 1st BoTB? It is, I found two artists performing instrumental renditions of the song. Today, I wanted to share the results of that showdown. It was Celtic mewsic up against a solo violinist. Both versions excellent which made the decision a bit hard (for me) but it became clear from the start how this battle would go down. Do I dare vote? It really wouldn’t matter one way or the other because CELTIC MEWSIC carried a heavy margin over their competition ensuring a victory. Here’s how the votes went down….

Celtic Mewsic – Tom, Eugenia, Sandee, Mary, Stephen, Mimi, Myke, Patrick, and ME (9)

Solo Violinist – John and Lee (2)



Thanks to everyone for making this battle a success and I ask that you check with Stephen to learn how to get in on the action or to view a complete list of BoTB members to see how other battles played out.  Remember to mark your calendar for my next battle on the April 15.  Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks.  I’m heading off to link up with fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. Join me tomorrow for more Creating iPad Art Sketches!







In case you missed a previous A2Z post this time around, here is a quick link to each one:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z







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41 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches “H”

  1. Cathy, my friend, you are an awesome artist! Love the hands and heart! And I love your song choices, too. 🙂 Sorry for the late dance – trying to catch up before the week is done! 🙂

    1. Stacy,

      You have your plate full with work and taking care of your family. I certainly couldn’t juggle all that you do. You never have to worry about when you show up here. You’ll find my niche open 24/7 with mewsic playing most of the time. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the dance with me. 😉

    1. Janet,

      I did use one of my sketches recently on a greeting card for my mother’s birthday. Check out my ‘D’ post and you’ll find a picture of some daisies. I was just to send it to her in a text but then I thought I’d try printing it and it looked pretty good. 🙂

  2. You created the hands so well! Mine always look like claws so this is really well done and I love the heart in the middle. I love that quote and Reason reminds me of my hubby who loves to take the “scientific” response. I have marked down this quote.

  3. Oh my gosh, girlfriend you have outdone yourself once again. I love the your sketch and the poem in the heart. Very inspiring. Your tunes are fab… especially the Celtic tune. You are soooooo ….. oh my cannot put it into words. You’re a dear dear friend and you have touched my heart. Sorry my mood today is …. well I’m just a little off today. BIG HUGS & I hope all went well at your appointment.

    1. Marie,

      Ahh, I’m sorry to read that you were feeling a bit off yesterday. I hope today you’re doing better. Thank you for the kind words, dear friend. You’re such a sweet heart!

  4. I always enjoy seeing your little sketches. Plus your music is inspiring.

    1. Jacqui,

      Yes, do look at Procreate. I am enjoying the app quite a bit. It seems to offer more options that the others I have on my iPad.

  5. Nice spark and sketch, I like how you combined the two. Wonderful music choices too. XO

  6. I am impressed with your iPad artwork. I think you have some talent outside of the iPad to be able to do it. Me, I have strengths in other areas than art. Stick men are a challenge for me.

    1. L&L,

      If you need help with stickmen, might I suggest you contact DH? He’s proficient in this form of art as you can see, here. I know you’re tempted but do remember all original works submitted on this site are copyrighted. That’s the only DH felt comfortable placing his masterpiece up for the public eye to see. 😀 I have a wee bit of talent….I suppose but that’s about it. I’d love to be so comfortable with sketching that I can draw anything that pops into my head. Maybe someday if the world stands long enough I will gain enough skills to do just that. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.

    1. Darls,

      Thanks for reading my bio. I try to read other bloggers bios when I can but I admit I should do it more often. You know, I couldn’t find your bio on yours. Do you have it hidden in a past post? I appreciate you hopping by yesterday. Now to play catch up! 😉

  7. I will keep Michelle in my prayers (my husband has bad shoulders and may face shoulder surgery down the road) in the meantime, your post had such heart – and I’m still giggling over the comment you left on my blog about Tim Tebow. I wonder how many other people chose Heart for their theme today – it’s a wonderful word that we need a lot more of in our world.

    1. Alana,

      I. Have. A. Headache! My brain is going to muttered today until this headache goes away. I had to hop back to your place to see why my comment made you giggle and now it made me smile, too. Ooo, I’m sorry your husband is facing shoulder surgery! It seems the longer we live the more fixes need to be done. Somethings due to injury like in Michele’s case but for others, it’s brought on by wear and tear. There was a period which my rotator cuff was aggravated and it worried me but it got better. I don’t know what I did but it ouched. I heard that kind of procedure requires a lot TLC. The lack of mobility would drive me nuts! Thanks for the prayers for Michele. I know she appreciates them!

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    You get double “H” credit today for bringing that Hand Heart to life in glorious color. I think it is sweet that you make a hand heart to see DH off to work in the morning. I wish you well on your doctor appointments today, Cathy, and thank you for letting me know that Michele is taking a break to recover from her shoulder surgery. I will contact her and keep her in my prayers. Thank you also for letting me know that I was on the winning side in the latest BOTB and that your ears matched mine. I listened to the follow-up tune you posted by Celtic Mewsic and was once again swept away on a wave of positive energy. Their mewsic lifts you up and heals your heart.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Tom,

      My appointments went well. My ear is still questionable. Although, I hear better the pressure is still a problem and my eardrum is collapsed a bit. Surgery for tubes is not completely ruled out yet. I’ll know more about a July visit. Heart hands are sweet no matter who does it but thanks for your kinds words. DH always does heart hands back to me which always makes me smile. Oh, you’re most welcome. I was happy to pass on Michele’s surgery update. I’m glad you enjoyed the mewsic today. Thanks for stopping in to see how my battle went and for a peek at my A2Z artwork. I gotta get dinner, for now, dear friend. Have a good evening!

    1. Janet,

      Thanks! It turned out better than I first thought. The quote added a nice touch for today’s “SPARKS” contribution.

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