Hello, Kitten & Dawgs! I’m delighted you joined me for the next A2Z alphabet prompt and for my “D” prompt art sketches. The opening video is a bit of spoiler, but I couldn’t resist sharing it.
D is for Dog! Do you own a dog? I do not have a dog but if I did I would like a black or brown Labrador. LL Bean always features Labrador puppies in their Christmas catalogs and sometimes other times throughout the year and it might have been this marketing trick that caused me to adore these cute furbabies. I think they’d make good pets.

Originally, my labrador was just an outline drawing. The example I used from the net didn’t offer shading suggestions. I went back to wing the details.
The more involved I get with sketching the bolder I get with trying to do more. Maybe more than I am capable of doing but I doing it anyhow. After all, isn’t this meme meant to challenge ya?

You can try drawing this terrier, too. Just follow these instructions and have fun! Shading will take more time to develop but if I keep at it then the techniques will seem second-hand.
I have one more dog drawing for ya before you go. I fell in love with the dalmatian puppies in the Disney movie, 101 Dalmatians and for DD#2’s second birthday I did this as her party theme. I don’t think they’d make a good pet for me but I still think they are pretty animals.

You can learn how to draw this pup, here! I’m figuring out if you’re a visual person then you sketching might be an easy fit and all it takes is practice, practice, practice!
Hopefully, sharing with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was!

Inspire me! What “D” subjects should I doodle next?
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. I’ll see you on tomorrow for the next installment of Art Sketching through the Alphabet!
A2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet post recap:
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Cute drawings! Our dog is in heaven now, but we look forward to adopting another soon. ^.^
Kristin, thanks! Ahh, I’m sorry to hear your dog has passed. Pets are such a big part of a family’s life and it’s sad when one dies. I hope y’all find another puppy to love soon.
I’m glad that I was finally able to get in to see your “D” post, Cathy. The puppies are adorable! Labs make great pets and are beautiful dogs.
“D” suggestions: dragon, dandelion, daffodils, doctor, dentist, dormitory, doll, daughter, dress, desk, dungeon.
Have a blessed day!
Suzanne, you are dare creative with your ideas of subjects to sketch. I’m loving them all! Thanks!
You’re welcome, Cathy. Glad to be of service.
Have a blessed weekend!
Wow! Cathy, you are really talented. Do you use other mediums/supplies?
Annie, you’re too kind. Right now, I’m only using pencils for the A2Z challenge but I hope to experiment with ink and colored pencils. I use these for my rubber-stamping projects, so it shouldn’t be too hard to apply these mediums to my sketches. After I’m comfortable using these supplies then I want to use my watercolor pencils but I need to get some watercolor paper for this future sketching project. I’m excited to try these various techniques! Thanks for being such a good friend!
Cathy, I am glad you re-connected with this part of yourself. I am excited for you! Hugs!
Annie, Oh that’s so sweet! I haven’t been this excited about a hobby in a long time. I’m sure once the newness wears off then I feel more low-key about the whole thing but honestly I hope my enthusiasm never dies!
Go for it!
I will! ????
D elightful!
Sorry I didnt make it over yesterday but wanted to see your lovely doggies.
Here’s to those eyes that convince us to do …
No worries, sometimes it’s hard to make all the rounds on the given day. I have to play catch up to, especially this week which has been really crazy.
I love your drawings…so sweet. I love the 2nd drawing and the Dalmatian. That song was such a hit back then.
Birgit, All the glowing encouragement from friends like you definitely deepens my desire to keep drawing! Thanks, my friend!
I have had the good fortune to have a couple of black labs. They are the best friends.
That first picture looks so much like George when he was a youngster.
Myke, Ahh, you had black labs?! That’s awesome. I think black labs are beautiful!
You captured the facial expressions on those dogs very well. We don’t own a dog, but oddly the animal control people stopped by my house to check to see if we had one. They acted like they were just doing a door to door check in the neighborhood, but that was the first time I’d seen that. I’m wondering if someone had complained about my next door neighbor whose dog tends to be irritatingly noisy sometimes.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, We don’t have any pets indoors or out. As much as I like dogs I really hate living next to someone who has them because usually, they bark when we’re trying to sleep. I realize they make good alarms for home invasions but barking at everything that moves in the dark isn’t cool. It sounds like you have such a neighbor as described. You’re probably right, animal control probably got the address wrong from the complainee. I feel for you having a noisy dog next door. Thanks for visiting!
Seeing your dog sketches and hearing the “How Much is That Doggie in the Window” from my childhood made me purrrrrrr with contentm…oops, wrong animal. Well, anyway, it was a fun post. Thank you for visiting my blog on A to Z!
Alana, I remember joyfully singing “How Much is That Doggie in the Window” as a kid. It’s just happy tune, isn’t it? Thanks for visiting!
They’re all good, but I like the Dalmatian best.
John, I’m fond of the Dalmatian drawing. For DD#2 second birthday, I did a 101 Dalmatian theme. I drew one of the Dalmatian puppies for her Bday poster which she just loved. It turned out okay. I think this Dalmatian turned out better. Thanks for stopping in!
Great sketches. I like dogs, but I like them more when other people own them. If that makes any sense. Plus if I truly want to see a puppy, there is always youtube. LOL
Have a great AtoZ month!
How are you doing, Jeffrey? I’m delighted to see in Blogosphere again and that you’ve undertaken this craziness for the month of April. Yes, I believe I understand. You like dogs but you don’t wanna have one for yourself, right? I like dogs if they behave well, don’t bite, or jump on you. Let me dash to see what’s going on at your place. It’s been a long time since I’ve visited you! Have a great day!
Really enjoyed the video. I remember my mother used to sing it. Thanks for the memory. Oh….and those drawings…..they are so, so cute!!
“Female Scientists Before Our Time”
Heheheh I added my D… so tomorrow is “E” right?
Wow! Those are fantastic drawings! I truly admire anyone having that kind of talent.
They are all my babies and I love them dearly. I didn’t set out to have that many, but there isn’t a one I would give up.
Yes, I have dogs… I have 9 of them.
Your tune & your pics are wonderful. You do do quite well with the doggie pics. Love the lab the best. GREAT JOB! Today’s Wordless Wednesday is it for C or D? I’m all mixed up. Love your doggie pics.
OMGoodness I think I missed it today is D? I better go add something to my WW… shessh!
Marie, I thought the song worked well for today’s sketches, too!
You posted “C” yesterday. Did you forget? lol You just have too much on your plate, I’m sure. I make goofs like this all too often when I’m super busy. Have a good evening!
Great job, all the dogs are cute.
Ellen, dogs are cute but what do your 13 cats say?
Thanks for visiting, my friend!
que preciosos cahorros, yo no tengo perros en mi casa pero de tener alguno sería semejante a alguno de los que has dibujado. Que pases feliz semana.
Google translation: That precious dogs, I have no dogs in my house, but to have some would be like one of those you have drawn. Have a happy week
Raquel, you’re very kind. I’m glad you liked my sketches and thanks for stopping by to join my linky party!
Beautiful drawings and thanks for hosting. You are very talented.
Thank you, Patrick. I’m so glad you stopped by to join my WW linky party!
This is a subject very close to my heart, Cathy!
I had a beautiful Dalmatian for almost 16 years and was devastated when she died. Labs are wonderful dogs too and I’d love to have a black one. Their coats shine so beautifully in the sun. You’re sketches are impressive! You have some real talent, my friend.
Debbie, I believe I remember you telling you had a Dalmatian. It’s so sad when a pet dies. They are very much a part of the family experience. Black labs are gorgeous. Their coats do have a beautiful sheen. Thank you for your kind comments. You’re too sweet!
Growing up I had a dog. Now I have a husband who is allergic. I think the middle image is my favorite but the puppy you started with makes me want one.
Lori, allergies to animals is such a bummer. We had a cat for years. When I was pregnant with our first many moons ago, we gave our kitty to a good friend. The thing is I was allergic to her and didn’t realize it until after she was gone from the house for awhile. I wasn’t stuffy all the time. I think I’m allergic to dogs, too. Brief encounters with dogs don’t bother me too much but if I’m around an indoor dog for more than a few days then I notice problems but with cats, I pick up on my symptoms within an hour. If ever we have pets then they will have to be outdoors. Thanks for visiting!
I love anything with fur. One of the favorite dogs I’ve met while walking through a local park was a mix of a Chow and a Corgi. Oh those stumpy legs!
I finally got to watch the entire cat video from yesterday while working out on the elliptical machine. The background music was surprisingly good for keeping a decent pace. And the clips were awesomely hilarious.
D is for Denver Airport: Alien Circus Reptiles Stole Your Luggage
Tamara, A Chow and a Corgi mix…that seems like an odd combination. I watch a lot of videos, mostly movies or TV shows, while on the elliptical. It helps to pass the time and to take my mind off having a heart attack. lol I keep the resistance level on max to burn the most calories possible. It’s really shaping my legs pretty well keeping this pace, too.
Thanks for visiting.
I can barely draw a stick figure, so I’m impressed with your sketches. I don’t currently own a dog, but I have owned many in my lifetime. I would love a cute little lap dog like a Shih Tzu or a Lhasa Apso but they are just too expensive and not the type of dog you generally find in the shelter…so a cat has to do.
Amy, Thank you for your kinds words. Not knowing these dog breeds by name I Googled them. The Shih Tzu is a cutie. The Lhasa Apso might come in handy if you have hardwood to keep the dust off the floor.
Cats are good pets even with their bow before me I’m a God attitude. lol I say this affectionately because we once had a kitty and know how cats can be. You have to work to earn their love where a dog is just happy to give you love unconditionally. Thanks for stopping by!
I used to love that song when I was a kid
Love the drawings they are so cute heheh! I am totally useless artistically
Have an artistictastic week Cathy and thanks for stopping by, don’t forget to let me know if you want a one second acupuncture appointment
Steve, Okay, I’ll be sure to let you know if I need a one-second acupuncture.
Awwww that first pup drawing made me smile so big
Really good!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Good luck on the rest of your A to Z challenge
Sylvia, thank you for stopping by today. Aren’t lab puppies just adorable? I’d love to have one!
Happy D day to you, Cathy!
I was three years old when Patti Page had a #1 hit record with her pop-novelty song “(How Much Is) That Doggie In the Window.” My parents bought the 45 and I played it often on my tiny tinny turntable in the basement, I haven’t seen the film of her performance in many years and it was fun to watch it this morning. Looks like the doggie she was admiring in the window is a Cocker Spaniel like my dog Toto. Coincidentally the parrot in the cage in the foreground appears to be a Mexican Double-Yellow Headed, the same species of parrot that my family bought for us as a pet when I was age 12 or 13. Of course, nowadays many people avoid pet shops because of their links to puppy mills but, back in the fab 50s, pet shops were “in.”.
Your art theme for the A TO Z is unique and it’s working out great, Cathy. This is another fine set of drawings. The pudgy little lab puppy is perfectly rendered with a natural stance and friendly, soulful eyes. The terrier has a dignified gaze and the young Dalmatian looks ready to get into mischief. You’re right. Dalmatians do not make the best pets. When I was a young boy a family on our block owned a Dalmatian and it basically terrorized the neighborhood. Whenever it spotted me it ran to me full speed, jumped up and knocked me over, then took my scarf or sleeve in its teeth and pulled me around on the ground. It didn’t bite, just wanted to play, but it was a very frisky, rough and rowdy dog.
You did another awesome job here, Cathy. Have a great day, dear friend, and I’ll see you again soon!
Your experience with the Dalmatian reminds me of some neighbors across the street from us. They had a Saint Bernard which is a lot bigger than a Dalmatian. He was a friendly dog who was very enthusiastic. He would grab ahold of one of us kids and drag us back to where he lived or very close to it if we were fortunate enough to break free. lol As far as I know, he never hurt a single one of us. I tried avoiding him at all cost because of my fears of big dogs even though I knew he was friendly.
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. BTW, I’m working on a couple of Victorian women to use in my “V” post. Have a good day, my friend!
I love your theme for the AtoZ Challenge! Your labrador puppy and dalmation are very cute. My blog is named after my labrador, Milly and she features A LOT on it!
Lauren, Ah, you have a lab! That’s great!! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll be by to see soon.
Ah!! They are so cute Cathy. I m not at all a dog lover dear. I m so so scared of them that I make sure I m out of the place when they are around ?.
Shilpa, I have a fear of big dogs. When I was really small I remember visiting a friend of my mother’s and she had two or three Doberman pinschers that came out of nowhere charging straight for me. I panic and ran like a little maniac but when I got to the gate I couldn’t open the latch and stood there with my face pressed against the metal fence fear-stricken. The dogs never jumped on me or bit me or anything. They just stiffed me out but I was too petrified by that point to even notice they meant no harm. Ever since that time, I’m very skittish around large dogs. So, I understand where you’re coming from completely! Thanks for visiting today!
Omg !! What a coincidence i too had a same to same experience. The only difference was I was known well to that dog . But I was scared to death when it barked on me and started running towards me. For that day till date, dogs are a big no to me?
Shilpa, I imagine anyone who has a fear of dogs probably had a similar encounter and that’s why we’re so uneasy around them.
True dear?
I am very impressed with your skill. I think your next D thing to try drawing would be a Donkey, or Director (Movie), or even Diamond Rings. Don’t blame me for the lame suggestions, it’s very early in the morning and I haven’t been to bed yet…
Jingle Jangle Jungle
#AtoZChallenge 1970’s Billboard Hits
Mary, your “D” prompts aren’t lame. I actually like the idea of drawing a donkey and I believe I momentarily thought about doing it but then my brain switched to dogs.
Why are you just now getting into bed, girl? Hit the hay!
Thanks for stopping by so early this morning!
Love the 2nd one. I used to have a terrier. I miss her so much.
How about dinos?
Michelle, Oh yeah, dinos is an excellent idea and I certainly will get around to do that one because the childhood’s story I wrote about my little brother is called, “There Are Dinosaurs In My Backyard”.
Thanks for visiting, my friend!
Cute little dogs. I am not a dog lover but if I had to have one, I’d like a beagle. Definitely not a big dog. The Dalmation looks like it’s right out of the movie!
I would like to have a beagle and I’d name him, Snoopy.
I will have to draw a real life beagle, as well as Snoopy eventually. Thank you for visiting!