
14-03-2025 Vol 19

#4M 2018 FREEBIE Week 1 + #Sparks & #BoTB results


I invite you to plug-in with the “Sparks” community hosted by good pal, Annie at McGuffy’s Reader where you can energize your soul and make the world a little better with sparks of encouragement. Let’s make the world a better place, one person at a time beginning with #1! 😉


Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! Another year has slipped through our fingers. The holidays are now over. I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. I admit I love all things Christmas, especially the mewsic but I know not everyone shares these feelings. “What?”, you say. I know I can’t believe it, either.

Anywho, it’s time to get back to normal. I’m glad you decided to join me today for Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me. It’s always fabulous to see you! Are you ready to get into the groove?  This week’s theme is “freebie” pick, so I’m continuing with my “#1 One-Hit Wonders” series with these six songs from 1975 – ’76.


  1. “Lovin’ You” (1975) recorded by American singer Minnie Riperton hit #1 in April . I found these factoids from Wikipedia interesting. “Lovin’ You” is the fourth single from the album Perfect Angel (1974).  As with the rest of the album, Stevie Wonder played keyboard backing (credited as “El Toro Negro”, Spanish for the black bull, as Wonder is a Taurus). According to the liner notes from Riperton’s compilation CD Petals, the melody for “Lovin’ You” was created to be a distraction for her baby daughter, Maya Rudolph, so that Minnie and her husband Richard could hang out. Maya was in the studio with her mother on recording day and Riperton can be heard singing her daughter’s name at the end, but only in the unedited or album version. The song fades out early in the radio edit because the disc jockeys felt that the repeated “Maya” was being overdone and that it would be misunderstood as a Mayan chant. Sadly, Ripteron died at a young age from Breast Cancer in 1979, she was only 31.
  2. “The Hustle” (1975) inspired by the dance was written and recorded by Van McCoy. This pop instrumental sensation hit the top of the charts (Billboard Hot 100 & Hot Soul Singles) as well as revitalizing couple dancing which seemed doomed by the early 70s.  McCoy died in 1979 from a heart attack. He was only 39.
  3. “Afternoon Delight” (1976) Starland Vocal Band. I was only 14 years old when this one-hit wonder topped the charts and I didn’t need any diagrams or talks on the meaning behind this song. I found the back story on this song interesting at Wikipedia. The title came from the happy hour menu at Clyde’s restaurant in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. where Bill Danoff was eating with fellow band member Margot Chapman while his then-wife Taffy Danoff was undergoing surgery for cervical cancer. Danoff enjoyed writing the song and downplayed the somewhat controversial lyrics, saying, “I didn’t want to write an all-out sex song … I just wanted to write something that was fun and hinted at sex.” Coincidentally, it is listed as the 20th sexiest song of all time.
  4. “Disco Duck” (1976) written and recorded by radio personality Rick Dees. It took Dees one day to write his song inspired by the 60s unusual dance tune, The Duck, but finding someone to perform the song proved a challenge but three months later pulled it off with an orchestral disco style with a Donald Duck-like vocals of Ken Pruitt. The story of the song focuses on a man at a party who can’t resist the urge to get up and dance like a duck. When the music stops, he sits down and when it starts again he does it again but when he gets up to dance he notices everyone is mimicking his moves. This probably is my most memorable disco song and it was so fun to dance to!
  5. “Play That Funky Music” (1976) by Wild Cherry hit the top of the leader board in September. The month DH and I began our courtship. I learned this tidbit about the band from Songfacts…”Wild Cherry was a hard rock band. They had a regular gig at the 2001 Club, and with disco big at the time, their sound didn’t go over well. After one show, a black audience member shouted, “Play some funky music, white boy.” Parissi decided they should, and wrote down the phrase on a bar order pad. They recorded it in Cleveland with a disco sound: drum and bass mixed way up front. The lyrics concerned the band, but Parissi insisted on keeping them.”
  6. “A Fifth of Beethoven” (1976) by Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band is an adaption of Beethoven 5th Symphony as you may know but did you know this about Murphy….He was an orchestral leader who studied both classical and jazz music piano at the Manhattan School of Music. At one time he was the arranger for Doc Severinsen and The Tonight Show orchestra. He played nearly every instrument on this song but forced to credit it to an imaginary ensemble. It hit #1 in October of ’76. Source credit: Songfacts


Which song selection is your favorite?

Do you have any fond memories to go with any of these tunes?


Please read…This is a weekly hop for mewsic enthusiasts regardless if you follow our weekly theme or not. I ask that you do not link non-mewsic posts below to boost traffic to your site. You’re welcome to leave your URL in comments with a brief description inviting me to check it out. Thank you!

Now, I invite you step on the floor with my dance partners:  XmasDolly, Stacy, & Colette!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


[tweetthis]Tell a friend & hit the dance floor with “your choice” #music with the #4M gals! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]


What mewsic moves you?



In last week’s New Year’s Song Parodies BoTB Showdown. I used two big hit tunes remixed to make you laugh with Hella Cravings set to Adele’s “Hello” and All About That Change with Meghan Trainer & James Cordon set to “All About That Bass”.

After giving close consideration to both parodies, I decided to go with “Hella Cravings”. The clever lyrics of ones love/hate relationship to food/exercise is spot on and so hilarious. I think we all can relate to this at one point.  I know I need to get back into the exercise groove now that the holidays are over and I definitely need to cut back…wayback on my diet.  Anywho, the BoTBs winner is Dustin & Genevieve with their Adele parody “Hella Cravings”

I’m gonna leave you with another parody that works with my New Year’s theme by Dustin & Genevieve. My next battle showdown scheduled post is the 15th, so mark your calendar and join me in the fun. 😉


[tweetthis]#Dustin&Genevieve wins #BoTB parody showdown with “Hella Cravings”! #music[/tweetthis]

The fun doesn’t stop, I’ll be back tomorrow with Cathy Chats!
























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31 thoughts on “#4M 2018 FREEBIE Week 1 + #Sparks & #BoTB results

    1. Chripy Cats,

      I usually find myself singing along with Minnie every time, too. But, then again I sing along with many of the oldies when I hear them for the first time in a long time. Disco mewsic really moves the body! 😀

  1. Oh my! I remember all those songs! I had a hard time listening to Minnie Ripperton’s voice. I love your Spark. There’s always such promise when the new year dawns. I was more than happy to jettison 2017.

    1. Lisa,

      Minni’s soprano, breathy voice is hard for some people but I like it. I’m not sure how much of the style in her “Lovin’ You” recording is present in her other songs. Now, I’m curious to discover this for myself. I agree, there is a lot promise at the beginning of each new year and I’m looking forward to great things ahead. Thanks for visiting.

  2. You are so busy! Thank you for being part of Sparks. I appreciate it.

    Kenzie has been pretty sick. We spent the day at the vet. It seems she has a severe infection, so is on antibiotics. When this round is complete, she will have more tests. They think she could have more than one issue. She will be 11 next month.

  3. I hate to say it, but “Loving You” is not one of my husband’s favs’ – I didn’t even dare play it. (I didn’t know about her early demise – now i can’t help but think of her daughter and what she went through). But “Play that Funky Music” brought back such memories! In 1976, my husband was in tech training at Sheppard AFB in Texas, and the Airmen’s Club had a cover band that did the greatest cover of it. A Fifth of Beethoven and The Hustle- it’s been years. And Disco Duck? I like it, and I forgive it, and I will now admit, I LOVE DISCO!

    1. Alana,

      The 70s was a wonderful era for mewsic. I loved disco! Today, I just like hearing it to bring back some fun memories and good vibes. Cancer stinks and it makes me sad to think of Minnie’s little girl. I hope she had a good childhood. Thanks for boogieing with me, my friend! 😉

  4. >>… Which song selection is your favorite?
    Do you have any fond memories to go with any of these tunes?

    CATHY, there were some really good One-Hit Wonder songs back in the ’70s. However, I could always do without ‘Disco Duck’ and ‘Kung Fu Fighting’.

    Of those you posted above, my favorite is Wild Cherry’s ‘PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC’. That’s just such a fun, fun song, and that singer sounds so Black that it’s hard to believe he isn’t.

    I do indeed have a fond memory that goes with Minnie Riperton’s ‘LOVING YOU’. When I was in high school I had the serious hots for a girl named Jean Gonzalez. She and I were both in the same Public Speaking class, and as an assigned project, she once got up in front of the class and swayed her groove thang while lip-syncing to ‘LOVING YOU’. 44 years later, I still have a mental image of that. Whew! Did I mention the crush I had on her?!

    I never liked Minnie Riperton’s ‘LOVING YOU’… until Jean pretended to sing it. Yowza!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. Stephen,

      I wonder if it’s a guy thing because of those who say they do not like “Disco Duck”, it’s usually a man. DH isn’t wild about it, either. 😀 That’s okay, though.

      Ha! I loved your fond memory recount of your high school crush lipsyncing “Loving You”. Did she ever learn how you felt? If not, then she may know now. lol That’s ok, 44 years have past and darn it, aren’t we a lot braver now? Thanks for sharing your story with me, my friend. It really put a smile on my face.

  5. Striving for Awesome, and i will likely reach Effective at least! (heeheehee)

    Those songs bring back memories, i never knew they were all one hits.

    That couple does some great parodies!

    1. Mimi,

      I’d settle for effective. Some days are like, “What happened?” It’s like the day walked over me, fading into the next. This week has me a bit contorted to find a new refrigerator. The one that was in this house (it was nine years old when we moved in) 38 years ago finally died. It’s a Hotpoint, nothing fancy but I’m telling you it was great to last what I suspect is about 47 years old. They don’t build ’em like this anymore. The thing is I can’t find one that will fit just right in the spot of the old one and that’s where the challenge comes in. *sigh* Standards changed, all refrigerators are much deeper than they used to be. Keep your fingers crossed that I find something that will work!

  6. Great spark! I loved Disco Duck when I was a kid. I am going to have that stuck in my head all day now 🙂

  7. Love that these 2 people won the BOTB as they are quite talented. Wow, I went back to the 70’s with these songs. I know all of them so well and didn’t know that it was Maya Rudolph’s mom who sang that song. What a shame she died so young and same with the guy who wrote the Hustle. I remember my neighbour fr8end and I trying to do the hustle in her yard and I was trying to avoid the chicken and goose poop. I am admitting now that I loved disco Duck and bought a record with all the hit songs which included I shot The Sherriff. I am now longing to see some Love Boat episodes.

    1. Birgit,

      Isn’t it funny how songs that maybe didn’t sit right with us long ago, we really liked and appreciate more now? Is Maya Rudolph a singer, too? I was going to look her up but forgot to do that. “I Shot the Sheriff” is another good hit from the 70s. The Love Boat was a favorite Saturday nigh sitcom. DH & I watched that during our dating years and right through the early years of our marriage. I remember we’d go to Mr. Gattis (pizza joint) to watch The Love Boat on their big screen TV. That was a treat for us because we only had a 13″ B&W at the time. 🙂 That was a fun show. Fantasy Island was another good one.

      1. She does sing and really well. I liked the variety show that she did with martin Short but it was just 6 or 7 episodes. I hope they do more

        1. Birgit, I got a bit confused with just seeing your stand-alone comment here. lol I had to look at our previous dialogue. I still haven’t checked out Maya Rudolph. I’m going to do that right now…Okay, I just checked her out on YouTube. I recognize that gal from SNL. I had no clue that she was Minnie Riperton’s daughter. I need to find a video of her singing, though. Thanks again for pointing these things out to me. Now to go back to YouTube but first let me head over to see you! 😉

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoyed listening to this set of popular recordings from the mid 70s, the years when Disco took over mainstream mewsic. These selections remind us of a kinder and gentler time, a much more innocent time, when artists sang love songs and young men and women took pride in cleaning up, dressing in their finest and performing elegant choreographed ballroom dances. It was a time when The Midnight Special was co-hosted by squeaky clean entertainers like Helen Reddy and John Denver and most people still agreed that proper manners and decent behavior mattered. Minnie Riperton’s hit “Loving You,” Van McCoy’s “The Hustle” and Walter Murphy’s “A Fifth of Beethoven” were all played so often on the radio and performed so often on TV shows that I grew tired of hearing them. DJ Rick Dees also wore out his welcome with his novelty number “Disco Duck,” a recording that I think undermined Disco’s credibility and helped ignite “rockers’ revenge” – a widespread backlash against Disco that culminated in Disco Demolition Night at Chicago’s Comiskey Park two-and-a-half years later. It is interesting to me that, prior to recording her international hit single, Minnie Riperton and her group of session singers, the Studio Three, supplied backing vocals on the Fontella Bass hit “Rescue Me.” It is very sad that Minnie fell victim to breast cancer and died so young.

    My two favorites here are one-hit-wonder group Starland Vocal Band with their refreshingly different sounding and slightly naughty number “Afternoon Delight,” and “Play That Funky Music,” a single that broke the mold and offered another refreshing change from the Disco sound. That Wild Cherry hit played many times during my vacation in Daytona Beach in September 1976.

    I wound up on the losing side in your latest BOTB. It was a tough decision for me but I gave the second parody “Change” my vote because I like James Cordon’s Carpool Karaoke segments.

    Thank you and have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I never thought of “Disco Duck” as something bad against the disco craze. I sorta went with the mewsic flow of things not really giving any of this (mewsic backlash that you mentioned) any attention. The 70s and 80s was a time when people cared about their looks and behavior. Our society can learn a lot from revisiting this period of time and then modeling themselves after the past. It’s amazing how far things have changed in the last 30-years. Hey, you’re still a winner in my book, Tom! 🙂 James Cordon’s Carpool Karaoke segment is a hoot and I did enjoy “All About That Change” but I felt the lyrics weren’t nearly as clever as the first. Thanks for dropping by this morning, my friend. Have a good week!

  9. Oh my gosh, I haven’t heard that song in ages, and that parody you found is just too too funny! Well, my love as I’ve been telling everyone Christmas for our family is this Saturday and I still have presents to wrap believe it or not. So lovey… we’ll talk to you soon. hope you had a nice weekend! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      Continue to enjoy the holiday fun, my dear. You’ll soon have everyone taken care of and then your routine will go back to normal. Thanks for stepping out on the dance floor with me this morning, dearie!

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