You've Got Mail

You’ve Got Mail edition I.V.G.L.D.S.P. Day

I came up with the idea while sorting through old files stored on my external hard drives to recirculate old emails I collected (before deleting them).  I remembered how much fun it was to get those fun nuggets of humor or inspiration from a friend and if you have an email subscription to CAAC then it’ll kind of be like sharing these things again the way I once did.

This is not the actual email I received. I did a mock up of the original replacing actual email addresses and names with fake ones.


Is this even such a day? If not, then there should be and I declare today as it or any day for that matter.

 No comments, needed. Click “like” to let me know you stopped by instead. 😉 This is for your enjoyment.

I’ll see you on the dance floor next with Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays.  Have a blessed day!


  • Debbie D.

    Couldn’t view the video (not available in Canada), but thought I would stop by and say hello. And I did click the LIKE button anyway. 🙂 I’m taking a break from my main blog but will do a June 1 BOTB on the blogspot site. Hope you’re having a great summer Cathy! 🌞

  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    I couldn’t find a “Like” button, because a “Like” button does not exist… at least NOT according to my Blogger view. (You WordPress peoples are in a universe of your own… and it’s even worse than the Bloggerverse. You may quote me on that.)

    So… I am commenting with this:

    ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy

      So, it’s not appearing for you? Hmmm, you don’t see the “Like” button just below the “Share” buttons and just before the comment section? One of my other Blogger pals was able to click the “like” the button that’s why I ask. Can you look again? I was hoping this would be a great option for all bloggers who visit. Thanks for the written likes, though. 🙂

      • Stephen T. McCarthy

        CAThy, I sent you an Email. If you don’t see it, please check your Spam file.
        ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Oh yes, I know how that goes. I hope you can stay on top of it so your brand new computer isn’t bogged down too quickly. My computer is almost 7 years old and with every update it causes more strain processing files. It’ll be a miracle if I can keep this ole gal going until this fall. Incidentally, is the “like” button available for you to click? I know you’re a Blogspot blogger and would love to have this work for all visitors who wish to use it.

  • Sandee

    Very nice video.

    Been very busy here so not visiting as much as I should. Zane is doing very well. Got more healing to do, but he’s so much better.

    Have a fabulous day and Memorial Day weekend, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

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