Hello Kittens & Dawgs! Last week, I cracked jokes about being NOT NORMAL and today you know I’m also a just a teeny, weeny bit crazy. I know what you’re thinking, didn’t she say she was only going to do BoTB once a month? Yes, I did. In my defense I had THIS battle set up and I forgot. I could’ve pushed it off but my OCD side just wouldn’t allow me to sit on it. *slap self in face* Before I get to my showdown, to help you understand the workings of my mind, a dangerous place to venture, you can read my responses to Friendly Fill-Ins with FourLeggedFurballs and 15andMeowing.

My song choice for this round is Elton John’s “Your Song” (please do not vote for Sir Elton) with two female cover artists in today’s showdown.
First up, give a listen to someone y’all might remember from Michele’s past battles….Australian pop artist/songwriter, TINA ARENA!
Next is someone I’m pretty sure I do not remember hearing before I pursued battle contender possibilities, Scottish singer/songwriter, JULIENNE TAYLOR!

Who gets your vote, Tina or Julienne?
How do I play BoTB? It’s really super simple!
- You VOTE. Leave your FAVORITE pick in comments. Everyone is welcome to vote. There is no wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote.
- Be interactive. Tell me why you like your favorite pick. (optional)
- Make me happy. Tell a friend, share the below tweet. (optional)
You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below (not everyone is doing the bi-monthly showdowns now) and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.
Angels Bark (Michele), Cherdo on the Flipside, The Doglady’s Den (Debbie), Jingle Jangle Jungle (Mary), Mike’s Ramblings, STMcC Presents BoTB (Stephen, BoTB Manager), The Sound of One Hand Typing (John), & Tossing It Out (Lee).
Did you vote?
Okay, but if you leave WITHOUT voting, I won’t be held responsible for what happens to your computer. Just saying is all.

I really am trying to scale back for summer beginning this month but my June calendar is rather full of scheduled posts. Mark your calendar for June 15th for round two of BOTB and to learn the results of this showdown!

Don’t forget to hit the dance floor (weekly theme listed in my side-menu) with me on Monday’s Music Moves Me!
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I’m going to go with Tina over Julienne, for two reasons: one, I like her voice better, and two, I like the arrangement better.
My battle has turned out to be a really tight one. I didn’t see this coming, either. Thanks for voting, my friend!
Tina Arena -6
Julienne Taylor -7
JULIENNE TAYLOR gets my vote she had a bit more emotion to it. Both were wonderful covers.
Thanks for stopping by to vote, my friend!
Tina Arena -5
Julienne Taylor -7
I think when it comes to that crazy tour, I’m Taz’s helper. I feel like I’m living on that tour non-stop these days.
I hope that you’re doing great, Cathy. I’m glad that you have nice neighbors. Have a blessed weekend, my friend!
Yep, I hear you, my friend! Life has a way of pushing us over the edge sometimes, doesn’t it? I’d like for all the madness just to stop for a day, wouldn’t you? Have a good week, dearie!
Oh, yes, Cathy! I most definitely would like that, but don’t see it happening anytime soon, unfortunately. Have a blessed week, my friend.
It is always good when neighbors mind their own business. Ours are pretty good at that. However, when Suzanne fell out in the backyard a few weeks back, they descended like the Green Berets. That was nice of them.
Have a blessed week.
That’s good to hear y’alls neighbors not only keep their own business but are good about watching out for one another. That’s the kind of folks that live near us, too.
I’m pleased to see you joined us BOTBers after all. (I’ll awaken the BOTB Bored Of Directors and tell them a decision about whether or not to oust you from the blogfest is no longer necessary. I’ll give ’em all a doughnut and tell ’em to go back to their wives.)
In this contest, my vote for TINA was a slam-dunk. (Not a doughnut dunk in coffee, but a SLAM dunk! …OK, I’ve now got doughnuts on my mind, and I don’t even eat them more than maybe twice a year. And you think YOUR mind is “a dangerous place to venture”?
When I was a young teenager in the early 1970s, I was a very big Elton John fan — I owned a number of his albums. But as the years went on and my musical tastes changed, I was no longer so enamored with Elton’s tunes.
Today, I own just one Elton CD, and it’s the soundtrack to a little-known movie called ‘FRIENDS’. It’s little-known because it was not very good. I’ve seen it once. Didn’t like the movie but still LOVE the music.
The title song, ‘FRIENDS’ is easily my all-time favorite Elton John song. I’m posting it (or a link to it) below, and dedicating it to you, CATHY, my friend!!
Cathy, DO be a NUT, but doughnut be a stranger!
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents ‘Battle Of The Bands’
If I had known bribing the BoTB Bored of Directors was so easy then I would’ve suggested donuts sooner. I know you can easily buy DH off with a donut or two or a dozen. He LOVES donuts! I like donuts but not like DH likes them. Let’s just say if had a choice between the last donut on the planet and me then I’d be a little worried. LOL Nah, I know he’d pick me!
I’d say to venture into the mind of another is dangerous. You just don’t know what you’re getting yourself into! I think you’re hilarious! I always liked Elton’s songs from the 70s and 80s. It’s funny I don’t remember “Friends”. I noticed the YT info stated this song is from 1971. I was 10 year that year so I guess that it was before he hit my radar. I appreciated the dedication and introduction. Thanks for swinging by to vote!
Tina Arena -5
Julienne Taylor -6
Hi Cathy,
How fun is the “Your Merchandise” parody?! Lol. Really good one.
“Your Song” is absolutely one of my very favorite Elton John songs. I’m a huge EJ fan and love most of his music but this one is right up there in the Top 3.
Glad to see Tina Arena making another BOTB appearance (and thanks for the shout-out! <3). I do like her voice and her style and I almost feel bad that I'm going to vote against her and go with Julienne Taylor. I was all in for Tina's version until I started listening to Julienne's. Comparatively, to my ears anyway, Julienne's voice is better and richer. So my vote goes to Ms. Taylor.
Great battle! I don't do battles on the 1st of the month but I had a few minutes this evening and thought I'd make a few battle stops and contribute some votes…
Hope you have a wonderfully fun weekend! Hard to believe we're already having another weekend! Did we just have one, like, yesterday?? Ay-yi-y…
Michele at Angels Bark
The parody was a fun, unexpected discovery which I was delighted to share and am glad you like you like it.
Tina started off so strong in this battle. I was certain she would steal the show but the Julienne tied things up and then passed her. The days are melting away faster than I can keep up with. Now, the weekend is gone and it’s time to get back to the grind. Thanks for stopping by to cast your vote!
Tina Arena -4
Julienne Taylor -6
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I use turmeric too, I get mine from Swanson. And I completely agree with #4. I liked both versions, but I prefer Julienne. Have a great weekend! XO
Hey, Ellen!
Tumeric is good for lots of reasons. Another thing I recently learned it helps with headaches. Thanks for visiting today!
Tina Arena -4
Julienne Taylor -5
This is such a fun post! Your fill-ins are fantastic, and now I’m off to go listen to these songs…Fast forward, because I listened to them, and my vote goes to Julienne Taylor!
Thanks for the return visit, Mrs. Miller.
I’m sorry, I forgot your first name. *smack forehead* Nope, that didn’t help. I reckon you’ll have to tell me it again.
I have your vote recorded!
Tina Arena -3
Julienne Taylor -4
That parody is great! Tine was my favorite.
I’m glad you enjoyed the parody.
Tina Arena -4
Julienne Taylor -4
I’m running late today but casting my vote for Julienne Taylor. Have a great weekend.
I run late most days. Thanks for playing alone. Your vote ties things up!
Tina Arena -3
Julienne Taylor -3
JULIENNE TAYLOR has my vote. Beautiful.
Love your funnies.
Have a day and weekend filled with wonderful music my friend. ♥
Excellent! So, glad you came by to vote.
Tina Arena -3
Julienne Taylor -2
Hi Cathy; “Your Song” is a huge favourite of mine.
Both of these ladies have lovely voices, but I’m voting for Julienne. Her version was more infused wtih emotion and I truly “felt” it. That was a fun song parody!
I enjoy writing those as well and you’ve inspired me to do another one, sometime soon. Have a great weekend!
What’s this, you write song parodies or did I misunderstand? I do that a lot…misunderstand that is. Thanks for Julienne. I was starting to get a little worried.
Tina Arena -3
Julienne Taylor -1
You didn’t misunderstand. I do write song parodies.
If you’re interested, you can check them out here: https://thedogladysden.com/tag/ditzy-ditties/
Have a great week!
I’m impressed. Thanks for the link to your song parodies. I will definitely hop over to check them out soon!
Your posts always make me feel so calm. Maybe too calm. Where’s all that energy you have—I’ll just breath it in, virtually. “Wandering around in your mind”–love that. Much better than footsteps.
I’m glad I’m able to bring a little calm into your life. That seems so the opposite of the way I feel often. Perhaps I’m better at soothing others instead of my own life.
Thanks for wandering around in my mind. I hope I don’t cause you nightmares. 
Take a stroll through your mind sometime
You’ll be surprised at what you might find
– The Temptations
Hi, Cathy!
“Your Song” always reminds me a little of “If I Were A Carpenter.” It’s a pretty song with groovy lyrics. It’s rare to find a BOTB with two female vocalists competing, a treat for my ears, and I am pleased to find you doing your own version of Bandstands in Foreign Lands by selecting a Scottish lass and Aussie songbird. I enjoyed Julienne Taylor’s rendition of Elton’s song. The violin is a nice touch and the vocal overdubs work well. I can imagine the recording winding up in the soundtrack of a female focused romantic movie or television show. That is where a negative comes in. Julienne’s version is unnecessarily weepy, infused with a bit too much emotion for my taste. Turning to the other version, I well remember Tina Arena and continue to admire her clean, clear vocal style. On “Your Song,” Tina sings in a more matter of fact manner, the way Elton did it, and it is a style that works better for the material. I pick Tina Arena in your battle, Cathy.
I Like how “Your Merchandise” begins with “It’s a little bit Shady.”
It’s a funny parody!
Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!
I like The Temptations quote. Taking a stroll inside my mind might be an endless trap of torment. That’s the way it is for me some days. lol My two featured female vocalists are from different countries, so it did turn into a Bandstands in Foreign Lands event but unintentionally. It’s usually after I find my cover artists I discover their country origin or other interesting facts. In the past, I featured Tina in a MMMM post. She really does have quite the lovely voice. Yeah, I got a kick out of the parody starting off with that line. I have your vote recorded. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your weekend, my friend!
Tina Arena -3
Julienne Taylor -0
Hey Cathy!
So glad that you decided to join us after all
There aren’t many Elton John songs that I like, but this one is one that I actually do enjoy. I loved the parody as well! After careful consideration, I do believe that I am casting my vote for Tina Arena.
Excellent battle! I do hope that you’ll come around and visit me for my special Feral Cat Battle. The link SHOULD go live in about an hour (give or take a few minutes). Enjoy your weekend!
Battle of the Bands – The Feral Cat Edition
I’m not a night owl, especially through the work week. We get up very early so it’s always to bed before 9pm. The weekends we tend to stay up later but I don’t like pushing it past midnight. I just can’t do that anymore. I’ll swing by your place to check out your battle next. Thanks for voting!
Tina Arena -2
Julienne Taylor -0
Always one of my favorite Elton John songs. Both of these versions are beautiful, but my greater inclination leads to the version by Tina Arena. I prefer the pacing better and the instrumentation and vocals are more to my liking.
I vote for Tina Arena
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I have a crazy headache this morning. Now, I need to make decisions on who to vote for each battle. I better get the coffee going. Thanks for being the first to cast a vote in today’s round. I’ll be heading your way in a sec!
Tina Arena -1
Julienne Taylor -0