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16-03-2025 Vol 19


Over the last several months, I’ve sat in Miss Jenny’s classroom.  The A-Z approach for building a new blog post each week is Jim-dandy fun. I look forward to creating and participating in her meme.  Sometimes, I find it rather challenging.

One thing, I admired about many of my classmates is the number of poets among us. This is something I long to do but honestly I have very little experience with piecing words together in a sing-song fashion.  Is poetry always rhyming?

Today this changes. I present my début poem titled, Yesterday.


©2011 Cathy Kennedy

Yesterday hopping from blog to blog
The mileage I did log
Across cyberspace I went

Greeting old friends

Meeting new ones

Yesterday sharing a cup of coffee
A few laughs over something funny
Sometimes I felt sad over a post I read
In prayer, I humbly lowered my head

Yesterday a piece of history
A little like a mystery
Where only in my mind
No one else can find
The moments of pleasure
Ingrained like a treasure

Yesterday has passed
The time did not last
But, oh what a blast!
Now, is it forgotten?
Forgotten not,
A new day rocks!

There is more time for…
Blog hopping…
Cyberspace logging…
Coffee sipping…
Friend meeting…

Yesterday did not melt away
It only turned into today!


My skin is thick so feel free to critique or shred it apart like a lion. My heart has yearned to make a serious stab at poetry but hasn’t found the inspirational words within until now for some reason. What do you think of my first attempt? Any hints of how I may grow?

Earlier in the week, I wrote Scenic Drive Photos, Krispy Kreme, Sam’s Club, & Promo Review Blogging. In this post, I had asked questions about the how-tos on some of my future goals. Today, I would like to invite you to participate in Amanda’s weekly meme…

I am linking up with her today, as I relaunch two of my questions:

  1. How do you get promotional activity for pay on your blog? Such as in product reviews and/or giveaways.
  2. Do you know first hand or someone who is earning substantial money doing this sort of thing?

The Internet is a fabulous tool for putting yourself out there without having to really leave your home to work.  For some blogging is a wonderful platform to gain employment.  I hope to broaden my writing and other creative talents through different avenues. Your advice is valuable to me, feel free to offer a little or a lot. After all, aren’t we friends here?

My family and I are praying for the family of Steve Jobs, co-founder & former CEO of Apple in his passing. Will you please join us? Thank-you!



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19 thoughts on “Yesterday

  1. I don’t know anything about making money via a blog. I know a lot do it, but not sure how to even go about it. I think one of the bloggers that links to Alphabe-Thursday, Cindy Adkins, wrote an e-book about this.

    As far as writing poetry…I think the only way to get better at it is do it. Just write it. Maybe every day. It seems like your regular writing is really good so I suspect your poetry would follow.

    This was really an interesting link to me in so many ways.

    Steve Jobs really was someone who changed the world, wasn’t he?

    Thanks for sharing all this.


  2. It is a great poem and well done you for stepping out of your comfort zone and having a go. It made great reading!

  3. Oh but I love it you see. There’s nothing else to add or critique, at least not from me. I just have to say it ended up making me smile delightfully.

    I don’t think I can write poems either, but I love reading ones like these that are real and live.

    1. People just send me emails asking if I want to do this or that review or I sign up to sites like lamomba, momcentral, mombloggers club etc.

    2. yes Simply Stacie is a blogger making money big time with her blog.

    I don’t know her personally but only as another blogger.


  4. Let’s see, the first question. I don’t do give aways. Though I know that is how you can gain substantial followers and FB likes. I still don’t understand the value in it since there is so much work involved.
    Second question: I get a lot of direct invites to write about certain companies, and it is mostly by word of mouth. I have reached out to some companies myself and most of the time I never hear back from them.
    No ads for me, since I don’t have that kind of patience.
    Now that I am corporate material again, I doubt if I will take on anything myself. I will have guest writers writing for me instead.

  5. Hello.
    I’m a love poet who enjoys writing about love & romance…always have been…always will be. I never went to any school to study poetry & I haven’t a clue when it comes to all the different styles & forms of poetry I’ve discovered since I started blogging. My style is very much my own. What I write may not be to everyone’s liking, but that’s OK as I don’t always understand everything poetic I read either (smile). I just write from deep emotions & from the heart.

    With that being said, I think you did well for a first attempt. Although poetry does not have to rhyme, I do know rhyming is not easy either. The only advice I can give you is just to continue writing. I must say that I’ve picked up a thing or two by visiting other blogs & welcoming feedback from other like-minded readers.

    Best wishes.

    Yesterday With You

  6. I like your poem. I have tried poetry but I just can’t seem to get them to work out.

    Other than books I haven’t done any big giveaways lately but there were quite a few last year. I was approached by companies for some and other I was the one that made a pitch to the company.

    None of the reviews I did were paid. I received products rather than cash. I did replace a lot of cookware doing reviews. The giveaways were always for gift certificates from those companies.

    I don’t know of anyone who has earned large amounts of cash doing reviews. The monetary value of the items I reviewed in 2010 was enough that I had to declare it on my taxes.

    Look at what other bloggers are reviewing or giving away and contact the companies. Make a proposal to them and see what happens. It never hurts to ask.

  7. Great poem on Yesterday.
    I’m still trying to make income on my blog but it hasn’t been easy. Adsense is the most $5 a month. I joined a few different networks and sometimes receive offers from them.

  8. sorry. can’t help with the questions.
    I’m not a poet, although I’ve posted some haiku on my blog. There are different types of poems. I enjoyed yours because of the thoughts, feelings, and memories it brought to my mind. And that’s what writing and poetry is all about, is it not?!

  9. You did quite a bit of work by making a rhyming poem!
    I made half hearted attempts by linking to ad sense, but all it gave me was $4 in about 2 month, lol! Probably because I refuse to gear the content of my blog to what brings in money!
    Thanks for visiting my corner:)

  10. not bad for a first attempt.:p
    i remember my attempts a poetry, i had a difficult time with rhymes. i love free verse, e.e. cummings.:p

    1. i only have google ads in my blog. i receive invites to write reviews, etc. but i don’t have enough time to do it.

    2. i have no idea how substantial some bloggers earn. sorry i’m not much help. i haven’t really explored the financial rewards of blogging yet.

  11. enjoyed your poem!
    I have a giveaway every month – beads I no longer need, now that I’m creating with paper only. The only thing I pay for is my postage, sending the item. I let people know about the giveaway on Etsy, where I sell my handmade items. And Facebook would be another good place to advertise. Do a search for giveaway – there are free listing blogs. Good luck, {:-Deb

  12. Past,present,future…today and YESTERDAY…fun,fun post I enjoyed the poem…go for it.

  13. I’m about to go sip some coffee and blog hop myself. I liked your poem…but can’t offer any hints, as I’m not a writer. Just a reader. 🙂

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