
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Graveyard Fields

Image captured with my old point n’ shoot
Canon SD8800 digital camera.

Last Wordless Wednesday and this past Skywatch Friday posts, I shared a foggy picture taken on the Blue Ridge Parkway. On that same day trip, we crossed mile marker 418.8 known as the Graveyard Fields.

The near-naked landscape has always fascinated me. I never knew why this particular part of the parkway had this name. I figured there was actually a grave site located there, but as it turns out the fields once resembled a graveyard with upturned roots from spruce and fir trees blown down.

The dull colors of late winter in this shoot surrounded by the mystery of the fog captures the imagination, but what I really love to see is during the peak season; at night you can see speckled campfires in this barren field of overnight hikers and if you listen carefully you can hear the waters’ movement in the wind.

I decided to change the original image by applying the grayscale effect from my Fotor photo editing program, which gives my photograph an old-fashion sense. What do you think?

Photography and photo editing is an art. Some choose the untouched image over an enhanced picture but I like being creative and am glad to both options available. Do you edit your images?

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To join other bloggers for more WW fun go to the top of my Home page, click on Daily Blog Hop and then Photography Hops! It’s so nice of you to come by and I hope you decide to make it a repeat visit to share in  my photo ops. Wanna make me or someone else happy? Then, leave a comment! I’ll be hopping over to see you soon!Save


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21 thoughts on “Graveyard Fields

  1. Ahh what darling kitties, they crawl into my heart. We have 2 and they give us so much pleasure! And to let you know, the link to click to find other bloggers isn’t working, 🙁
    Have a great day,

  2. Hi, Cathy!

    It’s my first time linking up here. I couldn’t resist your blog title!

    I often edit, using PicMonkey. I like to play with moods and emphasis, to target a specific part of the image.

    Your photos – both of them – have me filling up with story ideas. That’s pretty cool, since I’m about to start revising a novel! =)

    I like both moods, for different reasons.

    Oh, and I’ll be nabbing your tag! =) See you next week!

  3. Wonderful shots. Yes I do edit my images, some more than others. I enjoy it and the more I practice, the better at both I become. I also enjoy using layers and textures. One of these days I am going to figure out how to use the masking brush to swap out backgrounds too.

  4. I like both versions of the photo….I haven’t stepped into the world of editing photos beyond cropping. And I enjoy adding filters in instagram. Maybe some day I’ll have more time to “play”.

  5. Found you via Terri D’s blog. I’m not very talented but I do enjoy changing up my photos! I love yours today. Hope you are safe and warm in this wild winter weather!

  6. Ghostly gorgeous edit! How wild – I was very briefly in Knoxville on Saturday after hearing about a bonsai tree exhibit. We spent most of the week in Pigeon Forge – were you the one that posted the Hollywood Wax Museum awhile ago? It’ll probably show up on my blog some week soon. ;D

  7. Love this! the fog coming over the mountain tops gives it that air of mystery. and the water coming down the middle, surrounded by forest. great composition.

    I absolutely edit my photos – or at least those that require it. Sometimes you have a great shot, but the lighting is a bit off, so you adjust and get the look you wanted to capture. Or I crop and zoom in on some interesting point I discovered later when I loaded the pic onto the computer.
    Editing is great way to take a simple shot – to Wow factor.

  8. I love to “play” with photos. I have Photoshop Elements, but need a class to really learn how to use it more effectively. I use PicMonkey and Picasa most of the time. I like both of your photos.

  9. I love both photos, though I think I might like the first one the best. Only because you can see more detail of the land. And your words had me interested in it! Sometimes I edit and sometimes I don’t. It all depends on my mood and how much time I have! Happy WW.

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