
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Witch Hazel

Howdy-hi, folks!  This month’s prompts focused on producing out of this world to spooky art. For the last Thursday in October, our theme is ‘villains’.  In April, I sketched Witch Hazel.  Rain has provided another opportunity for me to bring this illustration to life in living color.

Procreate design

I know what you’re thinking, didn’t Rain do a drawing like this?  If so, yeah she did last week which really knocked me off my feet because if you followed me during the A2Z Challenge then you know I already had this illustration in my personal art stash.  I made the tiny adjustment by adding the broomstick because for a second I almost considered using this drawing for last week’s prompt but changing my mind to run with it for today.   I’m keeping things short due to lack of time.  DH and I begin our staycation tomorrow evening.  I appreciate you taking time to stop by for a visit.  I’m thankful to have y’all for my friends.  If you’re looking for other Thursday blog hops, please visit any or all of my friends hosting these memes


I am ending with this week’s TBT song pick from Hocus Pocus, “I Put a Spell On You’ by Bette Midler.  Next time on CAAC is Saturday Songsuasion.  If you’re around, come by for some music!  Now, I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse the gallery of artistry.   Have a doodletastic day! X💋X💋, Cathy

A special thanks to our hostess, Mary at JingleJangleJungle.

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17 thoughts on “Witch Hazel

  1. I loved that cartoon. I love your drawing. It’s perfect.

    Love the video.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  2. Oh Cathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful!!! You definitely got her hair better than I did!!! LOVE the black cat too!!! ♥ LOL…yes that’s exactly why I’m planting garlic, you know Cathy, there are too many vampires afoot these days, nothing wrong with being a little cautious! 🙂 I LOVE that you watched the Chiller movies, everyone you mentioned in your comment on my post, I absolutely adore….and the pizza…it’s true, the toaster oven doesn’t get hot enough, but I’m working on it…will film some video and hopefully make a “pizza journey” with a very happy ending!!! 🙂 Enjoy your Staycation with hubs!!! ♥

    1. Rain,

      You’re so kind. I feel especially honored to get your compliments because I think your work is spot on. You inspire me to be the best I can with my illustrations. Keep on practicing, you’ll get that toaster oven figured out for your pizza! Thanks for popping by. 😉

  3. I love your Witch Hazel drawing! Yep, that was a great song by Bette Midler and in the spirit of Halloween! Enjoy your staycation, Cathy! 👻🎃 Thanks for the mention – always appreciated!😘

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thankful Thursday Art Date with Rain, dear friend!

    At first I thought you had found and posted a picture of Mrs. Shady busy in the kitchen (LOL), but then I realized it is Witch Hazel, brought back In Living Color. It’s a glorious sketch and really pops now that color has been added. I like the way Hazel’s scrawny black cat is drawn near to bask in the warmth of the fire beneath her cauldron.

    I enjoyed Bette Midler’s rousing performance of “I Put a Spell On You.” In the past year I have found numerous covers of that Screamin’ Jay Hawkins song uploaded to YouTube. At least one of Romanian producer Andrei Cerbu’s singing beauties has released a version, and there are quite a few others, most of them performed by young women.

    Your wonderful artwork always puts me in a good mood for the day. Thank you, dear friend Cathy. Have a happy and Thankful Thursday, and try to poke your head in at Shady’s Place tamale before your hiatus begins and check out my last H-ween post of the season. Take care!

    1. How can one not love Witch Hazel? She is so great especially when she clicks her heels and the hairpins go flying. You did a fantastic job withe the sketch and colouring her in. I have yet to watch Hocus Pocus but one day, I will.

    2. Tom,

      Oh you wicked boy! I hope Mrs. Shady wasn’t reading over your shoulder when you told me you thought I found and posted a picture of her because if she had, then you might be in hot water. LOL We have not seen Hocus Pocus but the few clips I’ve watched, I thought Bette does a fabulous job. She’s a fun actress to watch on screen. I’m delighted my artwork brightens your morning. Unfortunately, I will be away for the next two weeks and honestly I’m not sure when I will have my next illustration ready to share with the holidays barreling down on us. If I find a few spare minutes here and there, then I’ll try to get some done. 🙂

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