
11-03-2025 Vol 19

Will You Join Me In Prayer?

This morning, as I made my round of blog readings, I happened upon Lynnette Kraft’s blog @ Dancing Barefoot on weathered ground. There she had a gentle plea for us to remember her dear friend.

September is 38 weeks pregnant and is due to deliver most any day.  She has met some serious anemia problems which required iron infusions three times a week.  As a mother, this tears at my heart. I know how she must feel to be concerned, as she wonders if the precious cargo will make it safely to her arms.  September’s faith is strong, but being human one can sense the unknowing gnawing at her spirit.  She needs to be embraced by others’ loving prayers.

I want to encourage you to click on Lynnette’s link above where she will direct you to September’s blog.   Allow God to minister to her through your words, as you kindly leave this mother a message of hope and compassion.   Will you join me in prayer?

Thank you so much,.Save


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10 thoughts on “Will You Join Me In Prayer?

  1. Hi Cathy,
    Thank you so much for sharing this here. I know September appreciates all the prayers on her behalf.

    I hope my book is a blessing to you. 🙂

    Your sister in Jesus,

  2. @Donnie…Lynnette has written a book about her own personal loss of three children. I keep meaning to buy her book, but have yet to do that. I’m going to do that today, if that’s the last thing I do. lol Anyhow, you’re right both ladies are delightful and you can see they wear their faith on their sleeves. That was kind of you to visit their blogs. Thanks dear friend!

  3. @Lynnette…I hope to see a post with good news regarding September & her little baby soon coz I’m believing good things will happen in Jesus.

  4. Hi Cathy,
    Thank you so much for sharing this here. I know September appreciates all the prayers on her behalf.

    I hope my book is a blessing to you. 🙂

    Your sister in Jesus,

  5. @Margaret…I trust your daughter-in-law isn’t having such difficulties as September. Being pregnant does through a degree of apprehensive feelings into the mix. There is always a risk of carrying a baby to full term. This is where we must step out on blind faith that things will go accordingly to God’s purpose. We don’t always understand until things have passed in our lives to see it through a new perspective. I will pray for your DIL & your son through this pregnancy that all goes smoothly. God bless!

  6. I will pray for September that she will have the strength to accept whatever is God’s will. My daughter-in-law, too, is expecting, so I get an inkling of how she and her family must feel. We put it in the hands of God, and keep a positive attitude.

  7. @Linda…Amen sister, we serve an awesome God! It was a priviledge to post this prayer request. For years and still do offer a prayer request ministry through my circle of email friends. This has been such rich blessing to my life, as well as to others. It’s such a small thing yet has meant so much to many. I’m delighted to serve the Lord in this teeny way. God bless!

  8. Thank you for also posting this today. September will be blessed by all of the prayers.

    We serve an awesome God…who hears our prayers.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  9. @Donnie…Lynnette has written a book about her own personal loss of three children. I keep meaning to buy her book, but have yet to do that. I’m going to do that today, if that’s the last thing I do. lol Anyhow, you’re right both ladies are delightful and you can see they wear their faith on their sleeves. That was kind of you to visit their blogs. Thanks dear friend!

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