
15-03-2025 Vol 19

What’s Happening To My Teeth, part 3

You returned for the third installment of What’s Happening To My Teeth. Excellent! I hope you (and your children, if you have any) are enjoying this little story. Now to pick up where you left off last time…


Later that night with the girls snuggled under their covers and Joshua curled up asleep at the bottom of his sisters’ bed with his favorite blanket, Mama finished their bedtime story when Emily asked, “When will my tooth come out?”

Mama patted the edge of the bed, “Let me look.”

Emily careful to not wake her little brother got out from underneath her covers to sit beside Mama.

“Open wide, dear,” Mama said. Gently, she wiggled Emily’s tooth, “Hmmm.”

Emily closed her mouth. “Well…when will it come out?”

“I’m not sure. These things are unpredictable.”


“Yes, unpredictable…you know, not knowing for sure. I can tell you this, your tooth will get wigglier and wigglier every day until it finally comes out.”

“How will it come out?”

“It can come out while eating something chewy or you it may need help coming out.”

Anna climbed over Joshua, “How did your baby tooth come out, Mama?”

“My grandma…your great-grandma Joy gently tugged it out with the hem of her apron.”

“Can you pull mine?”

“It’s not quite ready.” Mama smiled, “The both of you need to get back beneath covers now. It’s time for you young ladies to go to sleep.”

One day, the girls were having a tea party in their bedroom. They invited Joshua to be their guest.  They invited all of  their dolls and stuffed toy animals, too.

Anna’s eyes lit up. “I have an idea on how to get that ole wiggly tooth out.”

“Emily cocked her head to the side, “How?”

“Stay right here.” A few minutes later Anna came back.

Emily pointed, “Why do you have that?”

“For your tooth. Lay on the floor. I’ll get it out for you.”

Joshua watched curiously. His pacifier rapidly moved back and forth.


Anna sat on top of Emily’s chest.  “Open wide, now.”

Emily began opening her mouth. Anna leaned forward with Daddy’s pulling tool. Suddenly, Emily clamped her lips shut. She pressed both of her hands over her mouth, tightly.

“Aaah… gee! I can’t pull your wiggly tooth.  Open up, Emily!”

“Uhhh-uh…” she shook her from head side-to-side.

Joshua looked on. He knew this was a good time to get Mama. He quietly slipped away.

In the kitchen, Mama was busy with the dishes.  She stopped to rub the top of Joshua’s head,“What’s my favorite boy doing today?”

“Anna doctoring on Emmy’s tooth.”


“Anna got Daddy’s pulling tool.”

“Oh goodness,” she picked up Joshua. “Let’s go see.”

When Mama got to the girls’ bedroom, Emily and Anna were in the same position. “Pleeeease… Emily, open up!” she begged.

“Anna Elizabeth, what are you doing with your daddy’s pliers?”

Anna’s head jerked around. She got off her sister. “Ahhh… I was just trying to help Emily get that ole wiggly tooth out.”

“I believe she doesn’t want your help, dear.”

By this time, Emily was standing. “Gee Anna, I got really scared when I saw Daddy’s pliers get close.”

“Oh, pooh! I saw Bumblebee go to the tooth doctor on TV this morning. I wanted to be Emily’s tooth doctor.”

“I know you were trying to help.” Mama held out her hand.
“Let’s not bother Daddy’s tools for pulling Emily’s tooth anymore, okay?”

Anna gave Mama the pliers. “All right,” she sighed.

(c)2011 Cathy Kennedy
All rights sole property of the author and is not to be reproduced without written permission.  Contact the author to get complete manuscript for publication consideration, please contact by email.

What’s Happening To My Teeth is an early reader for ages 6-10. It will also be well suited for preschoolers with the vivid illustrations I envision complimenting the story.

If you didn’t read the earlier segments of my book, you can find them below:
What’s Happening to My Teeth, part 2
What’s Happening to My Teeth, part 1

I appreciate your opinion so please leave suggestions in comments!


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One thought on “What’s Happening To My Teeth, part 3

  1. I think the storyline is great. I’d suggest, maybe, putting in small stars (****) in between the scene changes. I feel it’s a little confusing to be reading about one thing and then it jumps to another. The character’s are now real to me and I feel I am getting a quick glance into the lives of these characters.

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