Hello, how are you doing today? I’m happy you came for a visit. This morning, I’m starting off with a musical contribution for Throwback Thursday with Mary at JingleJangleJungle. At YouTube last week I stumbled on a new Huey Lewis recording Pretty Girls Everywhere, (Eugene Church 1958). I recognized Lewis’ cover song but after listening to the original I knew it wasn’t that version I remember. I believe, all though I’m not 100% sure, it’s the 1965 Walker Brothers’ release that I remember. Whether you remember the original or any one of the handful of artists who covered the song up until the late 80s, listen to my throwback pick with the Walker Brothers!
You might be wondering about my blog title. So, what does bongo playing, running, and swinging have in common? Today’s art prompt. Both running and swinging illustrates motion and movement. I really wanted to draw something new but I found with limited time it was best to share with you illustrations from my archives or those that’s been waiting for colorization. Here’s my examples for this week’s theme.

This week I’m suffering with time crunch syndrome. I had ENT appointment on Monday and then on Tuesday quite by accident DH learned he was not scheduled for Thursday for his dental appointment when he called to see if he could reschedule it for Wednesday. It caused a brief period of chaos as we pinned down the best time slot. Plus, I’m super busy with my drawings for next month’s A to Z Challenge. I committed myself to keep my normal blogging regimen going despite the blog fest prep and I’ll do my best to live up to my promise. I just wished I sketched something new for today, though. Oh well…at least I have something to share.
For Thankful Thursday , I am happy to learn my mother’s ulcer is healed. Last year she dealt with a lot of health problems. I’m not sure it’s all related to the ulcer but it certainly may contributed to the terrible bout of intestinal infections she had a hard time getting rid of. I’m thankful my baby sister is finally seeing the doctor for a number of medical issues. I’ve been after her for years to get things checked out but she’s stubborn like my daddy. Living means enjoying ones’ life and you can’t do that if you don’t have good health. If something is bothering you and it’s not going away on its own then you need to see someone who might be able to soothe what ails you. I’m thankful my ENT visit went well. My doctor says everything looks good with the ear with the tube and my other ear hasn’t changed much but I go again in four months for continued follow-ups to monitor this. There’s the danger of the remaining tube disintegrating which might allow bacteria to grow on it and causing fluid to be a problem. He said it would be very obvious if it happened. July will make four years so it’ll be interesting to see what developments come out of that appointment. For these blessings and more I’m forever grateful for God’s goodness. What are you thankful for today?
I ran short on time to come up with something creative for Kat’s Writing Workshop. Perhaps I can join in next week. We’ll see but for now I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry. You’re welcome to follow along. Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday. Join me on the dance floor with Monday’s Music Moves as celebrate Marie’s mama’s birthday. Have a doodletastic day! XX
, Cathy
Eugenia’s passion is poetry and her weekly gig is perfect for creative writers. Each Thursday she offers a word to spark the imagination and if you’re inspired to write a ditty then be sure to let her know by leaving a comment on her site with a direct link to your post. Now, go visit my girl!

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Hi Cathy
I LOVE your Sebastian the crab!! I remember your Little Mermaid sketches! Your Speedy is wonderful!!! I’m going to be dropping by your blog weekly to check out your Looney Tunes! Wishing you all the best with those, they are so much fun to play with!! :)) And I’m also grateful to have experienced watching your drawing advance to pinup gals. They are spectacular! I’m glad your ENT went well…and I’m just as stubborn as your sister and dad. Mind you, most of my ailments, I can cure at home. I know when it’s time to finally give in! I’m very thankful for living in a rural area, for owning my own home, for my family. xxx
I’m glad you found time to visit. I know you’re a busy woman. I figured you’d remember these past illustrations and I hope you find time to check out my Looney Tune A-Z Art Sketches this month. I can’t believe it’s April already!
Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful day!
Cute images
Love the song even though I don’t know it at all. I just love your movement picture which made me laugh with happiness…I am being honest. I had a hell week so this made my day! I am looking forward to your A to Z and I am hoping you will showcase not only Speedy which you captured him so well here but Pepe Le Pew who is being criticized as a rapist…ughhh. I love Pepe and Le Mew. I love the gal on the swing who is quite frisky. I think you captured the movement of her skirt quite well. Enjoy your weekend!
I’m so glad to hear about your mom, Cathy! Your sketches are amazing, my friend, and as always, I appreciate the plug!
You are so right that you must take care of your health and the older you get the more important it is as your body isn’t able to shake things off as easily as it once did. Glad things are working out well for you and your family. Fun to have a discussion about health without the mention of Covid
Love your drawings and am especially impressed with your pinup as drawing full body pictures is a challenge for me. I always enjoy your music as it is always uplifting. Stay well, Cathy and I look forward to a month of your Looney Toons pictures. You and Rain have that talent in common 
Andrea @ From the Sol
Hi Cathy, yes music is a great way to express movement important lessons I taught to my preschool children to help them with balance and co-ordination, a continuation from young to old. I love your vintage pin up gal, she swings playfully from that tree.
Creative wishes Tracey x
I loved seeing your take on Rain’s theme this week. Your Speedy was perfect and your pin-up swinger was so well done. She definitely looked like many of your pin-ups. I applaud you for your diligence on your, your sister, and your mother’s health. Keep us updated. Sounds like your mother has great news indeed.
Even in repeats, your art makes me smile and look twice! Praying for health for all of your familyl
Thanks, Mimi!
Oddly, I don’t remember the song…
I feel like that a lot. I hope you liked it, though.
Really glad to hear about Uncle and we love the art
Double thanks! So, glad you stopped by for a visit, too.
Love the drawings. Looking forward to the Looney Tunes as those are what I grew up on.
Thanks! I’m eager for A2Z to begin.
Hi Cathy! I dont know that I’ve heard this song before, but I like it! I love your shellfish playing bongo drawing – it looks like fun!
Excellent! So happy you enjoyed the song. Thanks for joining me, my friend!
I LOVE your sketches. I love the pin-up. I wore those nylons with the garter belt. Fond memories.
The video is a toe tapper. I’m sure I’ve heard this before, but not sure.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I remember my mom wearing garter belts and nylons. I prefer to not wear anything on my legs and haven’t in years when wearing a dress or skirt.
I don’t wear them anymore either.
Good to hear your Mom is doing better- and I guess I’d better get cracking on my A to Z’s….yikes April is almost here! Cheers!
Yep, we’re in the final count down to kick off time for A to Z again. I’ll be burning up the hours of each day to get things wrapped up between now and then. Incidentally, you do not have your blog URL linked to your Gravatar profile and I can’t ever remember your blog address. You may want to update your Gravatar profile. Thanks for visiting, my dear!
Glad your mom is doing better. Wonderful thankfuls and drawings. XO
Thanks, Ellen! Yep, I’m glad Mom’s ulcer is healed and her overall health is better. Thanks for dropping by!
Wow I can feel your busy. This is a jammed packed post anyway. Love the music, your thankfulness, all of the information and your beautiful art. Have a great day.
Yep, yep I’m busy. But, am I busier than anyone else? Maybe, I’m not a good user of my time. I do pack a lot of content in my posts. Hopefully, it’s a good thing for friends such as you, though.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Thankful Thursday & Art Date With Rain, dear friend! Starting at 6 am, I checked for a couple of hours and gave up, thinking you weren’t posting today. Happy to see you!
You stumped me on “Pretty Girls Everywhere,” because I didn’t recall hearing the song before now. That’s unusual given my age. As I listened to the version recorded by The Walker Brothers, it occurred to me that it is almost the same tune as The Righteous Brothers’ classic “Little Latin Lupe Lu.”
It’s delightful to see the lobster from Little Mermaid fleshed out In Living Color as he plays his version of bongos on the ocean floor. I well remember that A to Z art theme series you did a couple of years ago. Your illustration of Speedy G. whets my appetite for your salute to Looney Tunes coming up in this year’s Challenge. I also remember the classic pin-up of a lovely young woman swinging under a tree, and it’s a pleasure to see her brought to life and pretty in pink.
Thanks for giving us the good TT news that your mother’s ulcer has healed. What a blessing! I applaud you for urging baby sis to get a medical exam. People tend to put such appointments off because they are unpleasant, especially now that we have the virus to worry about when we go to public places, but it’s something everybody needs to do to maintain good health. I am also happy to know that your ear, nose & throat appt. was positive. You are wise to stay on top of all these medical matters – your own, DH’s, your sister’s, and all members of your family.
Have a wonderful day, dear friend Cathy! If you post Sillies, I’ll be here!
I was running behind on Thursday as you might have figured out. I think I’ll have many more in the upcoming days. I’m delighted you enjoyed another look at my old sketches, two of which I colorized. I agree it’s important to maintain good health to make sure nothing is creeping in oneself. Thanks for dropping by, my friend!
Such wonderful sketches, it’s too bad Speedy has been canceled. We do like to hear new tunes and that one is new to us. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
What do TV executives know? They are boob heads! If they treasured the old Warner Brothers cartoons like Speedy then they would not entertain those who grew up watching those short films but turn on a whole new generation to some truly good and funny cartoons. The stuff on today is trash! Thanks for visiting.
All the best treating that ear. Lovely entries on movement today Cathy.
It’s been a pain to have to see the ENT every 4 months but I hope this keeps real problems becoming an issue. I’ve had ear trouble all of my life. Thanks for visiting.
These are imaginative and funny painted pictures with the video on rains theme. Great made up.
Have a good time, greetings Elke
I’m glad you enjoyed, Elke. Thanks for joining me.