
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Vol. 4 March Friday Round-up humor + SWF


Hello Kittens & Dawgs! It’s officially spring, aren’t you glad?  With the change in season comes what? That’s right spring cleaning! Let’s get our giggles on with these Friday Sillies tribute to spring cleaning!





On Wednesday, I share the original photo of today’s photo-art creation.  I reduced the image brightness for more contrast creating tree silhouettes in the foreground, then I added a starry background. I like this new jazzed up version over the original.

I’m sharing this starry sky photo-art with the Skywatch Friday shutterbug family and you’re welcome to tag along!



Most of next week I will be away from Blogosphere while I prepare my posts for the April A2Z challenge which kicks off Friday, March 31. That’s a wrap for now but you’re invited to hit the dance floor (mewsic theme – “Music from Sci-Fi movies and/or TV series”) on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me


Until next time, have a laughtastic weekend!

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14 thoughts on “Vol. 4 March Friday Round-up humor + SWF

  1. Thanks for the smiles Cathy – your blog is looking so lovely these days!
    Wanted to let you know that I’ve gotten your messages and you and your family are in my prayers. Sending much love and many sweet hugs your way! 🙂

  2. Your comics were hilarious! I think I loved the Dust bunnies and Oreos ones the best, but all were awesome? Thanks for making me laugh!

    1. Tonja, I use to ask myself that a lot, too. lol I mean, it’s year around cleaning, right? I try to do things in small steps so to not get overwhelmed. It’s tough keeping up on all the things there are do around a home. Thanks for visiting!

  3. That spring cleaning one is too funny. I love this photo…very La La Land to me and I mean this as a compliment

  4. LOL…love the Brushing Teeth with Oreo’s meme!
    My son didn’t find it as amusing for some reason :/

    Thanks for sharing,

    – Lisa

    1. Lisa, Yeah, the oreo meme is funny and so true! Mmm, now I want Oreos but I already brushed my teeth for the night, so I’ll have to skip the urge to cave. Actually, that’s a good thing because I’m trying to lose a little weight. 🙂 Have a good weekend!

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoyed reading the real mom’s guide to a “clean” house. We laugh at those bad habits and shortcuts because we all do things like that and recognize ourselves. I agree that a dog makes a good vacuum cleaner, but a vacuum doesn’t need to be fed and doesn’t pee, poop or need to be taken outdoors for a walk. Mrs. Shady does so much cooking that she makes mountains of trash with produce cuttings and meat scraps. It seems like I carry out a bag full of trash at least once a day, sometimes twice. The key to housecleaning is to do some each day so that you don’t fall behind, become overwhelmed and feel like burning the house down or moving away. 🙂

    I like what you did with your picture. The blue is bluer and the black is blacker. The resulting image is more dramatic and looks like it was taken at twilight time.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I agree doing a little every day keeps the house chores from getting out of hand. These funnies were just too good and many I can relate when the children were young. It’s good to laugh at oneself. Life is more hectic. DH needed surgery yesterday for a detached retina. Everything was like a whirlwind for us. Today, he has a follow-up appointment. Hopefully, everything looks well and I can give a good report. Well, gotta dash I have lots to do before jet off. It’s so crazy, I’m telling! Have a good weekend and I’ll do my best to visit you at some point, my friend!

      1. Oh Cathy, I can’t believe that another hardship has befallen your family! I’ve got my fingers crossed that DH can get his eye fixed up and be 100% again a.s.a.p.

        1. Thank you, Tom! You’re such a dear, sweet friend. DH went for his follow-up today. The doctor reported everything looked normal. Some concerns we have is that with retina detachment, DH is likely to need cataract surgery in that eye in 6-months. Also, this can happen again in the same eye and probably will occur in the other eye at some point. Being badly near-sightedness is the culprit. He’s doing as the doctor prescribed. This weekend most of his time will be with his head down on the table from the time he gets up until he goes to bed. I know that’s not very exciting for him. Hopefully, the pain meds will allow him to rest a bit during these initial hours of recovery. He will return to work on Monday and he has a second follow-up next Wednesday. Things are going to be crazy for a long time. Lord give me the strength to endure! 🙂 Have a good weekend, my friend!

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