
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Two for One #music deal

Sweet Russian tots wearing folk costumes is this week’s Awww Mondays moment. Join Sandee on Comedy Plus for more cuteness overload

Thanks for tuning in today for a two for one music special with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me and my mid-month BoTB.  In case you missed my last battle, I started a new mewsic series for this challenge and have decided to use theme songs from the James Bond films. Are you ready? Let’s get this party going!

The second movie, From Russia With Love, released in 1963. I was only two years old.  It wasn’t until after I got married that I saw any of these flicks.  Matt  Monro is the gorgeous satin vocals behind the original artist.  In this showdown, I’m featuring a gal and guy in this round to see who wins. Please listen and tell me in comments who you like best, if ya want you’re welcome to tell me why your choice moved you. 😉


Contender #1 Jaimee Paul



Contender #2 Ike Moriz

You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.

Polls close noon (EST) on November  22nd

Who gets your vote Jaimee Paul or Ike Moriz?

The old James Bond movies are timeless treasures that will never fall out of favor with me. I hope you enjoyed my feature battle song. Check back next Monday to see if your favorite artist wins

Would you like to be an honorary 4M co-host in 2021? If so, please check out my new theme page for available months and then shoot me an email requesting your pick.

I was going to share the movie soundtrack but decided instead to use a YouTube playlist of Matt Monro’s greatest hits. 



This month’s honorary co-hostess is Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World



DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

My online activity between now and the second week of December is going to be limited. Not to say you won’t find daily content. I do have posts schedule so stay tuned for new content coming your way. Blogging is a huge part of schedule which I love but sometimes you gotta allow other things to dominate your time.  I know you get that. Y’all have a boogietastic week and I’ll be swinging by your place soon! X💋X💋, Cathy

Sparks of Monday encouragement Russian phrase: Первый блин—комом.
Literal translation: The first pancake is a lump.
English meaning: Not bad for the first time. / Practice makes perfect.

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45 thoughts on “Two for One #music deal

  1. Hi Cathy, I’ve tried leaving a comment here yesterday but somehow it didn’t get through. So, here goes nothin’.. 🙂 I came across your blog googling Bond theme tunes. The Monroe take on this track always moved me deeply and I was glad to discover 2 new versions on your blog. I liked both versions but felt that Ike Moriz’s voice suited the genre much better (I also discovered another song of his called Gold Rush that leans heavily on another Bond theme song – maybe you can remember which if you check it out). I also like Jaimee’s voice but felt it was too soft and jazzy for this huge song. Anyway, hope this comment makes it through this time. Have a great weekend! Lisa xxx

    1. Lisa,

      WordPress usually holds newbies to my site in my Spam folder and somehow I just happened to think to check it this morning. I’m glad that I did because there were three other messages waiting for approval by three regulars. Yeah, even folks who frequently stop by might land in my Spam box. Go figure, right? Technology is crazy sometimes. Anyway…I’m glad you found my little niche while surfing the net and appreciate you taking time to cast your vote for IKE MORIZ in my BoTB. I appreciated the link you left for me to check out which I’m doing now. This song is a cross between something I might hear play in the old Twin Peaks TV series or an old Bond flick or at least that’s how its registering in my brain. Please check back tomorrow to see who wins or maybe you already know the answer. Have a blessed Sunday!

  2. My wife and I loved Ike Moriz’s vocal style and delivery – very warm and sincere sounding. Jaimee Paul has a nice soft jazzy voice but we feel that this song deserves a fuller sound. I also struggled understanding her words at times. Both songs are beautifully arranged although I don’t like the accordion intro.
    Thanks Cathy for introducing us to these 2 artists. I’m intrigued to hear more of both their repertoires. Will check them out on Wikipedia 👍❤️🎶🎶🎶

    1. Jason,

      WOW, Ike Moriz scores two more votes, now bringing these artists neck and neck. Man, I didn’t see that coming this late in the contest. Thanks to you and your wife for playing along. It’s great seeing new folks at my place. Have a great Saturday afternoon!

  3. Hi Cathy

    I stumbled upon your post while googling Bond theme tunes. Lovely to hear these two! I like the instrumentation of the first song with the female voice, but Ike Moriz’s version had both great vocals and an interesting take on the arrangement of the instruments while I couldn’t really get into the very soft and fragile vocal rendition of the first video… So my vote goes to Ike Moriz’s rendition.

    I also discovered another song of his that leans heavily on Bondesque music with his original song ‘Gold Rush’ – well worth checking out (

    Thanks for this battle of the bands – nice idea – and I’ll be sure to check in on your next one!

  4. HiYa, CAThy! It’s That You?

    Good Battle, my friend! I liked BOTH of these recordings. I enjoyed Jaimee Paul’s voice, and figured I would be voting for her, despite the fact that I thought most of the lyrics were kind of indecipherable and the music was a bit too sparse for my tastes.

    But then I listened to Ike Moriz and not only did he have an excellent voice (and his enunciation made the lyrics more understandable), but I also thought the backing musical track was more interesting as well. So, a clear vote for IKE.

    You’ve been doing a lot of Battles which I’ve enjoyed, pitting two good recordings against each other. Keep up the good work, muh frien’!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      It be me, my friend! 🙂 I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my battles lately. I’m happy you liked IKE MORIZ the best in this round. He’s slowly picking up momentum but I don’t know if he can over take Jaimee. To be honest I thought Ike would be the preferred vocal choice but it looks like I’m wrong. Anywho, thanks for finding time to vote in my BoTB. Have a good day!

    2. I’ve always loved Bond theme songs, especially the older ones with big voices like Shirley Bassey’ s and Monroe’s. From Russia with love is such a great song (although not my favorite Bond movie – didn’t like the way women are portrayed as rather dumb and weak).
      Regarding the battle – it’s a clear win for Ike Moriz. His strong voice and crooner timbre are more emotive and convincing to me. I found the first singer too soft and meal for this genre. Beautiful arrangement though!
      Thanks for this nice battle idea. Very entertaining. Keep them coming!

      1. Leigh,

        I loved the older James Bond films. I can’t think of a single Bond girl who was dumb. Of course, a woman is not a match for a man physically but she sure can out wit one with her quick wit which takes being smart and level headed to get out of bad situation. 🙂 The vote really tightened up in the end. I’m glad to see how this one turned out. Thanks for voting for IKE MORIZ!

  5. Ike Moriz for us, CK, we like his deep, melodic voice that reminds us of Neil Diamond, that we also like😸Thanks for tha MOL of the pratice make purrfect player and the cuteness of the three little birds…eh…girlies, that’s one Aww for sure😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday and Week ahead🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      IKE MORIZ is catching up in this battle slowly. I’m not sure if he’ll pull a victory off but at least the voting gap is a lot less. 🙂 Thanks fur joining me on the dance floor, little furiend. It’s always a joy to have you boogie with me.

  6. Hey Cathy, I tried to email you but It doesn’t work for me through your blog. I just wanted to tell you that I love visiting your blog. However, you are right, if it starts to become a chore then what is the fun in that. We have enough chores in life. Come see us when you have time, when you feel like you miss “me” us. LOL I have taken many breaks from blogging over the years. Nothing wrong with that. Big hugs, and be safe out there. N

  7. My vote goes to Jaimee Paul. She infused that song with emotion. By the way, I think I mentioned last time that I saw these early Bond movies last about 20 years ago – was just talking to the spouse while I was listening to the two artists and he said “we need to see these movies again!” So it’s to the library I’ll go…for curbside pickup, that is.

    1. Alana,

      Gotcha down for JAIME PAUL. I think a lot of the Bond films are on either Netflix or Amazon Prime. We have all of them on Blu-Ray as well as a streaming copy of each one which came with the collection. Do watch the old ones again! It’s great fun to go back to see them. Sean Connery and Roger Moore were excellent 007s! Thanks for joining me today, my dear.

  8. I liked Ike Moriz’s accompaniment better, but Jaimee Paul… wow, that voice…. She gets my vote.

    I’ll put Matt Monro in the queue for when I more than an hour to listen.I listened to the first song and liked it.

    1. John,

      I had no clue that this battle would go so heavily in favor of JAIMEE PAUL. She’s stomping the pants off Ike. Poor fella! Thanks for playing along, my friend.

  9. HEY GIRLFRIEND, I’M BAAAAAAAAAAAACK, JUST LIKE A BAD PENNY AS THEY SAY!!! Out of the two Bond songs for me I like the second one! The first just isn’t (for lack of a better word) loud enough for me! You know in voice volume. For example, take the girl from Goldfinger… you sure could hear that tune. hahaha Have a great day honey… love your tunes, personally I didn’t know there were two of these… and I don’t think I ever heard the very first Bond one. Have a great day sweetie! YOU’RE DUH BEST! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      A bad penny? No way, girlfriend! You’re my lucky charm. 🙂 Thanks for voting in my BoTB. I have you down for IKE MORIZ. Have a boogietastic week.

  10. Hi Cathy, thanks for commenting on my Remembrance Day post. Sorry, I haven’t been around much but as you said, sometimes other things need to dominate your time. You’re doing an amazing job, publishing regularly inspite of that! 👌

    Huge James Bond fan here, including the theme songs! Matt Munro had a great voice. He didn’t get the recognition he deserved, IMO. Both covers are excellent, but Jaimee’s version has more drama and intensity. Please give my vote to Jaimee Paul. Cheers!

    1. Debbie,

      No apologizes needed, my dear. I totally get where you’re coming from. I’m gonna take things real slow and easy the rest of the year. I have posts schedule for December but I need to do some chillin’ because I don’t want to get overwhelmed especially with the holidays here. Just drop by when you want. I’m always happy to see ya! Thanks for taking part in this battle. I’ve got ya down for JAIME PAUL. 😉

  11. Awww on those three cutie pies. Adorable.

    My vote goes to Jaimee Paul.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  12. We like the Jaimee Paul version better too. Hey, Simon and Seal said to tell you yes, that is a recliner, a very old La-Z-Boy.

    1. Brian,

      Gotcha down for JAIMEE PAUL! Of course, it’s an old La-Z Boy. That’s why I liked it. lol It’s probably just like ours just a different color. Ours is falling apart! I love the style. The ones since this one was made are too big and cushiony looking. Thanks for letting me know and for visiting, my furriend!

  13. The little kid on the right is so cute. Love the picture. I love this song, From Russia With Love and both did a good rendition of the song even though they are not my favourites co pared to the original. I will give it to Ike because I like it more than Jaimee who was just to soft and Diana Krall sounding and I really dislike Diana Krall.

    1. Birgit,

      All of the old Bond themes are fabulous but the older ones might be the best. Thanks for casting a vote for IKE MORIZ in this battle showdown, my dear. Have a fabulous week!

  14. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Awww-some 4M Monday and BOTB day, dear friend! I hope you guys had a nice weekend.

    Those Russian toddlers dressed in folk costumes are sooo cute! That truly is an aww-some picture.

    From Russia With Love is one of my favorite movies in the 007/James Bond series. The film was released in the UK in 1963 but didn’t reach U.S. theaters until the spring of ’64. That’s when I went to see it with my cousins. I was age 14 at the time. The scene in which Connery hops in bed with his ravishing blonde co-star Daniela Bianchi and the camera offers a closeup of her red lips burned a hole in my soul and has stuck in my mind all these many years.

    Turning to your band battle, you managed to present two fine covers of the theme song. I enjoyed both and my ears tell me they are equally matched. However, I am giving the nod to the version by the female artist, Nashville based jazz singer Jaimee Paul. Like Shirley Bassey did on her vocal version of the theme from Goldfinger. Jaimee pours herself into the recording with fire and passion. The version by German-South African artist Ike Moriz is more in the vein of a Matt Monro/Jack Jones run through – more mellow, laid back and middle of the road. In other words it lacks the vulnerability, the seductive, dangerous feel of Jaimee’s version. Therefore, I give my vote to Jaimee Paul!

    Thank you for flashing me back to an exciting period of my life, my mid teens, with From Russia With Love. Have a splendid week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Thanks for being an early bird visitor as usual, my friend. Thanks for inquiring about our weekend. It was short but nice. Thanks for sharing when you first saw From Russia With Love. I bet that was thrilling for that young boy. 🙂 I figured you like JAIMEE PAUL in this round since you generally prefer female vocals. Have a grand week, my friend. Be safe and well!

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