
19-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday Talk Time: Biscuit baking gone wrong

It’s time to start this Tuesday morning off and I am a firm believer the best way to do this is with a delicious, hot breakfast of oatmeal, whole wheat toast, and a peppermint latte. Are you ready for random musings of this mind? If you’re feeling lucky, then I am happy to have you tag along.

Bah-hum-bug! Yesterday, I made DH a fresh batch of my near world famous buttermilk biscuits to discover that something had gone terribly screwy wrong. It appears that all-purpose flour was slipped into my self-rising flour bag. Nope, I did not make a mistake buying the wrong flour, but granted in years past this has been an issue. Knowing this that it’s an all too easy thing for me to make a double goof up on, then I take EXTRA precaution to make sure the right flour is in my hand before it even goes into my cart.

That being said, I called the flour company last night and told the gal on the phone my situation. I said, “Has anyone reported having problems with getting all-purpose flour in their self-rising flour bag?” She said, “Yes, we have had a problem with this in the past.” Unfortunately, the person I needed to talk to was not in, so I will need to give him a call today.

I am not too upset. Something like this is bound to happen every now and then. At least now I know that maybe some of my pass mistakes of biscuit baking gone wrong and thinking that I had gotten all-purpose flour by mistake may have been simply the machines at the plant didn’t change out properly or something.

I know what you’re thinking, how is that possible? I always open and dump a bag of flour into a storage container. I don’t  have the flour bag to reference after I do this, so you can see the dilemma that poses and causes me to doubt my purchase. However this last time, I doubled checked the bag, placing my finger on each word as I read the label out loud to make sure that in fact I was emptying the contents of self-rising flour into my storage container.

Do you make freshly baked biscuits? Would like to make ’em, but are too afraid to try ’em? Then, I have a good recipe for you. I have been using it for years and it works out beautifully each and every time.

Cathy’s Near World Famous Buttermilk Biscuits


4 c. self-rising flour
2 c. whole-fat buttermilk
1/2 c. canola oil

Preheat oven to 400°. Lightly grease cookie sheet; set aside. Mix all ingredients, thoroughly.  Lightly knead a little of the biscuit batter at a time on a floury surface; roll out and cut out your biscuits. I use a large plastic glass to cut my biscuits out (approx. 2 3/4″ in diameter). Place biscuits onto cookie sheet bumping them together. Here’s an important step…brush the top of biscuits with a little buttermilk before baking. Bake 20-minutes, rotate pan 180° after 10-minutes to insure even baking and finish baking time. Serve straight out of the oven with butter and honey or your favorite preserves. That’s some good eating!

Personal note: I always double this recipe. DH LOVES bread and fresh biscuits at my house has a way of disappearing fast.

Let me finish up by saying, I was not always a good biscuit maker. I give my darling mother-in-law credit for having taught me the basics and then it was up to me to have the tenacity to perfect my biscuit making skills. My efforts paid off in spades. Now, everyone says my biscuits are just as good as my mother-in-law’s biscuits. That’s a huge compliment!

This week’s Tuesday Coffee Chat prompt is…What’s the best thing that has happened to you, since last Christmas?

The best thing that happened to me since last Christmas in a weird way was having a horrible case of diverticulitis, which resulted in particle removal of my small and large intestines.  First and perhaps the most important thing is this little experience taught me to take my intestinal problems very seriously. This is something that just doesn’t go away easily, always. I was sick for several months before things escalated at the end of March through mid-May before being hospitalized for two weeks. The surgery I had in early June not only removed the abscess and fistula, but the thickened part of my intestines affected by the Crohn’s. This is the weird part why I feel this is the best thing to happen to me. After all of these complications, the surgery kinda fixed me up. I feel better than I have in years. I mean, I sorta feel like a new person!  Crohn’s is not-curable, but it is treatable. Through all of this, I have found a new respect for this disorder and will never allow things to slide out of control again. This is something that could repeat itself, if I am not very careful. Life’s hard knocks really are the best lessons learned…if they don’t kill you first. lol

In closing, let me round things up with Patrice’s Chats on the farmhouse porch.

  1. Have you baked any Christmas cookies yet? Nope, but I certainly want to. I think I will make gingerbread cookies using my Ann Clarke hand-crafted in the USA cookie cutters for this job.
  2. Have you finished your shopping yet? And what did you get me? I have only gift to get other than yours, Wendell, but I know exactly what to get you.
  3. If you had reindeer like the story of Santa, what would you name them. (Be creative.) Remember, they were Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolf. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, go on to the next question, please. Although it definitely won’t work well with this popular Christmas story rhythm, I would name my reindeer, Snappy, as in quick…speedy. Get it? Reindeer need to be fast.
  4. What was the most memorable Christmas gift you ever gave or received? My engagement ring…twice. Yes, you read that right. DH gave me my first engagement ring in 1978 when he proposed. I lost that ring shortly after my DS was born in 1994. In 2001, he bought me another engagement ring for Christmas to show me that even after all the years that he would ask me to marry him all over. What a sweetie he is!
  5. Please tell me something new, interesting, or funny. Also, Wendell could use some encouraging words to feel better- just saying. 🙂 I live a rather low-keyed life with very little new or interesting things transpiring in my life. I guess this is kinda of a good thing. But, if you want funny, just read about my biscuit screw up above. I am certain that you can relate to such mishaps in the kitchen, Patrice, right? Oh tell me, I am not alone on this! Hey, Wen…Christmas is a com in’. I heard Santa will be stopping by your place. I hope that helps to make him feel better. *smiles*

Okay, it’s time to grab a cup of coffee or hot tea or hot chocolate coz, baby, it’s cold out and join me as I visit my lovelies at….

Everyday Ruralty

Have a terrific Tuesday!



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12 thoughts on “Tuesday Talk Time: Biscuit baking gone wrong

  1. I would not have thought of calling the company. You go girl!
    I dump my flour and sugar into containers, so I’d have no idea if my flour was different… unless of course I try to make your biscuits. LOL

    1. The gentleman at the flour company was very nice and come to find out that a certain percentage of the initial bags between different flours will spill over till it runs through. So, he’s putting something out in the mail for me. I suspect it’ll be coupons for free flour, but I’m not sure. Thanks for the visit!

  2. Ha – I stay wide away from self-rising flour, never touched it and never will. I rather use all purpose and all kinds of other flour (+ yeast or baking powder, of course). So, now I wonder how to make your delicious sounding biscuits with all-purpose flour…
    On a different note, I am very glad you came out of your surgery and the months leading up to it a healthier and stronger you. Thanks for keeping my company, too 🙂

    1. Claudia, you can make my recipe by simply adding 1TBSP baking powder, 1/2-tsp baking soda, & 3/4-tsp salt to every 2-c. of all-purpose flour that you use. Thanks for your well wishes & for stopping by!

  3. I hope you get some answers to your flour problems when you call again.

    I haven’t made biscuits from scratch according to the American way, but I’ve made them the Caribbean way. 🙂

  4. Oh goodness…. I thought there was just all purpose flour and whole wheat flour!! and now I learn there is also self rising! good thing I had not tried to make biscuits yet! LOL Also, thank goodness for the Pillsbury Doughboy -ha.
    but I think I can manage this recipe, and my mom did recently give me a very nice rolling pin. perhaps it was a hint? 🙂
    My shopping, thanks to tag teaming efforts with my mom, is pretty much done. I just have to get hubby – and that’s always a full day out trying to figure out what on earth he wants. Besides the fully loaded new truck, because that’s not exactly within my stay at home mom budget.
    I for one am so glad that you are well again and back chatting with us! it’s true, the hardest lessons learned are often the best ones.

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