I lead a very routine schedule with very little change from day-to-day. Call me boring? Call me predictable? Call me maybe? Okay, I couldn’t resist that one.
Where is this madness going anyhow, you wonder. It’s Tuesday and you know that always means it’s time to join the Random Nation movement in Blogosphere. In order to give my ordinary, ho-hum day a little lift… a little excitement… I created a list of things going on in my small realm of the universe. Here goes my top 10 list….
- Annual GYN appointment – everything went well.
- Annual physical – clean bill of health! Good thing/bad thing make of it what you may…still unanswered questions to many whys.
- Started new prescription for Testosterone Gel – kick in time 3 to 4 weeks. Gotta get my libido mojo back. Darn hormones!
- Change in sleep pattern – restless and very tired throughout the days now. Is this result of the Testosterone Gel???
- First mammogram in…ahem…10 years – got call back for a do-over on left side. Probably normal, just precautionary thingy. You know how doctors freak out sometimes!
- Learned maternal great-uncle (84) passed away from sort of cancer – wife & daughter passed away many years ago and girlfriend died a few years back. He leaves behind one son.
- Major overhaul to DVD/Blu-Ray library – Check out Best Buy DVD buy back program (see link on right)
- Continuing strict diet/exercise – big accomplishment dropped 2 pounds last week down to 115.5. Yay, me!!
- Wrote Greek/Roman Costume Review
- Posted announcement of Monday’s Music Moves Me Gala Giveaway Winners
A snippet of today’s conversation with DH….
Oh! You gotta laugh at this one, right? Well, I hope you aren’t yawning. Why not take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your bloggy friends, as you enjoy some random reflections, considerations, or brooding. While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up!

Have a terrific Tuesday!
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LOL omg i LOVE those auto correct text messages!!
Well done on the weightloss! 115 is my goal weight.
Bitch scam milk, huh? I can’t say I’ve heard of it before
It kind of sounds like you and I are in the same health-related boat currently. I just visited paid my very first visit to the GYN and got my very first pap. Lovely fun that was *rolls eyes* Hurt like hell and I’m pretty sure I saw stars 0.o
I’ve also been having issues with sleeping, so I can relate.
Although the positive news is you’re going in the right direction! Losing 2 pounds is fabulous
High Five on the weight lose!! Geez, I haven’t been 115 in over 20 years. I’d be thrilled with 140!!