
27-03-2025 Vol 19

Thursday Thoughts ~ a peek at our morning

This is what I woke up to this morning!

It may not be the storm of the century but this is the first significant snowfall Knoxville has gotten in many years. DH measured the fluff while clearing off his car before going to work late this morning. In our part of town, we received 7′ of wet, heavy snow.

The snow began falling in Knoxville yesterday mid-day and by 2pm it was falling quite heavily. By the time DH got home, the heavy wet snow was clinging to tree branches, bushes, and every blade grass.

It was no time after DH arrived the temperature dropped quickly to freezing and that’s when the fun began. We got 3-4″ of snow in a matter of few hours, blanketing everything in sight. The interstate, which had been pre-treated two days before the storm was in trouble.

Knoxville is full of idiot drivers without a lick of good judgement when it comes to driving under precarious circumstances. Have you ever noticed how people with 4-wheel drive vehicles have a false sense of security? They think that they or their vehicles are impervious to injury? They make up part of that idiot driver group, but the rest of the cache under-estimate their skills or lack of skills when pushed to the limits under tricky driving conditions.

We snuggled comfortably in our living room, as near blizzard-like conditions raged outside our window.Those who were not so lucky found themselves trying to get home. The careful and skillful drivers mingled with the I’m invincible idiot drivers experienced slippery roadways everywhere. Some manage to avoid other drivers, guard rails, and street lamps while others weren’t so fortunate.

Our heavenly Father kept His hand upon our children traveling to their homes last night, giving charge to each one’s guardian angel to keep them from harm. I give Him thanks for His goodness toward those I love dearly.

The forecast promises the cloudy morning sky will clear later in the day with a high of 41°. DH got to work okay this morning. He said our driveway is slippery, but our street is ok. However, some of the other neighboring streets were rough forcing him to take a different route from our subdivision to the main highway.

My concerns are on tonight’s conditions, as our children come home from work on melted snow that possibly turns into black ice after the sun goes down. I won’t worry instead I will continue to trust in God to protect my children.



Incidentally, Thursday Thoughts will be changing. Self Sagacity and I have decided to venture together to roll both memes into one brand new hop. This will be mutually beneficial and an adventure that excites us. I hope you share in the excitement, too!

For now, here are my T2Q are:


1. What do you want for Valentine’s Day? Honestly, there isn’t anything that I want other than to spend time with DH. Yeah, I know that’s very sappy.  

2. What will you give to your spouse (bf/gf), children, or friends for V-Day? Now that the children are gone, neither of us do anything for them. However, I still do simple little things for DH. I made him a one-of-a-kind hand-stamped card and I plan to tuck inside the card a copy of the poem I wrote for him. You can read it here if you want. Also, I will give him a small 4-piece box of chocolates. I wanted to make cinnamon buns for him but said he wanted to lose some weight and asked that I not make them just yet. So…that will have to wait.


Please join my NO-RULES Thursday Thoughts hop by linking up HERE with Self Sagacity and be sure to watch for the blog switch up to take place soon!

Here are a few past “M” home-work assignments from Miss Jenny’s classroom on Alphabe-Thursday:

Power of Music
I’ve got the music
Malware is Malicious
Thursday Thoughts: Muscles, 10 Things to Smile About, Water, & Nip/Tuck


Jenny Matlock Thursday Two Questions Self border= Mama’s Losin’ It

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6 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts ~ a peek at our morning

  1. that’s a lot of snow Cathy. It looks gorgeous. We are hoping to ski this weekend…but sounds like we are home so far. depending on the weather we might be off to Tahoe. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  2. I suppose here in Canada, with being so used to driving in snow and ice for months, we might forget that many of our safe arrivals might be due to His traveling mercies.
    My mom and I had put together little love packages for the kids: chocolate, jelly bean hearts, colouring books, stickers, glue, note pads — just different stuff for the kids.
    Hubby and I just get a small box of chocolates and a card. We don’t go too overboard, or buy into all the consumerism. Hubby knows I’d rather save money on flowers that will die — to have real lasting ones in my garden come summer. So he buys my garden flowers usually in the summer.

  3. Hope everyone arrived safely to their respective homes. It is always a worry – doesn’t matter how old they get! The wet snow is the worst, especially when it starts to freeze. Stay safe!!

  4. I have prayed over my family and our cars for as long as I can remember. I spun out on black ice a couple of weeks back, just after dropping the Kindergartner off, and the way it all played out (across a busy highway with not one car coming and landing on my side in a snow bank) makes me think my prayers were def. answered. God is a very good God. 🙂

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