
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Thursday Art Date with Rain on Wild Wednesdays Abstract art prompt

#WildWednesday photo reinvented using Brushstrokes. I shared a slightly modified version of this image on Sunday. I added scripture from Lamentation 5:22-23 to my picture hopefully to inspire others in the spiritual walk.

I’m plugging in Sandee’s (Comedy Plus) Wordless Wednesday linky party below for y’all to join. I’ll be back next month hosting once again the mid-week linky party where just about anything goes with #WildWednesdays! 😉


I’m mixing things up during the last of my semi-hiatus days in Blogosphere.  I think I’d rather work my way up to full steam before my planned in September now instead of grappling to get back into the groove of blogging again.  

Today I’m doing two posts for the price of one. The best part is you don’t have to pay a thing to read the content. Next month I hope to be in full blogging mode but that always takes time so I’m doing something different and that’s the reason why I’ve rolled two into one.  This gives me the flexibility I need to share and keep my hand in both pots so-to-speak. 

I’m not one for abstract art. My brain isn’t wired to think that way and it’s been like that for the most part.  Although I’m trying I believe this is why I struggle to write poetry.  It takes a different mindset.  Anyhow, when I was in high school art class, one of our projects was wood carving.  They brought in a local who did it for a living and we got hands on exposure to using various chisels for shaping a piece of board into something artsy.  I chose to do a fruit bowl design but something went awry with my work forcing me to reinvent it into something more abstract. Somehow I came up with the idea of having the bowl full of fruit sailing on a sea of chocolate with mountains of ice cream in the background.  My art teacher entered the piece in the art fair that fall and it took honorable mention totally surprising me.  The same year I gave it to DH for a Christmas present. We still have it, too.

Received Honorable Mentions in the 1978 Art Fair
[Thursday Art Date with Rain] I drew this before I found my wood carving buried under a pile of papers on a bookshelf. I had forgotten exactly how it looked but I managed to get it close enough. I actually tried to put grapes in my original wood carving but I couldn’t manipulate the tools well enough without destroying the grapes. I believe my art teacher assisted with the cherries on top of the mounds of ice cream. 🙂 Visit Rain’s Garden to check out the gallery of talented artists’ on display!

What I need to do is teach my brain to think more outside the box instead of staying in a realistic realm from time to time to unlock a whole new creative side.

Thanks for making me apart of your day!  X💋X💋, Cathy


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57 thoughts on “Thursday Art Date with Rain on Wild Wednesdays Abstract art prompt

  1. Wow Cathy, that’s really impressive! Chisels and wood…that is amazing. I’d love to try that! Your piece turned our brilliantly! Of course, I want to sail on that boat and jump right in lol! Thinking abstract (to me) seems almost like an antonym…I don’t do it very well, but once I have an idea, I roll with it. Thinking outside the box it also a tough one, but I really think it makes us better artists to try things that are difficult for us. You did a great job!! 🙂

    1. Rain,

      Maybe you can find a wood carving class to try your hand at the craft. This would be a very expensive art pursuit. Thinking outside the box is difficult for many but some seem to grasp it better than others. I appreciate the challenge, though.

  2. Missed linking sweetheart. Was not too well. Albiet here’s my link.

    It’s lovely to see your art back in motion. And that you are back with a bang on WildWednesday. 🙂

    Much love<3

    1. Natasha,

      I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well. Are you doing better now? I hope it wasn’t anything serious. I’m working my way back into full blogging mode. Thanks for stopping in for a visit, my dear.

    1. Soma,

      Ahh, well you’re so sweet. I am happy that we hung on to this wood carving. It’s one of the few things from our dating years. The piece is about 42 years old. 🙂

  3. You are SO talented, Cathy. I really, REALLY love the pencil drawing, but that wood bowl is out of this world. You were talented when you were in school and you are still a great artist. I love the abstract. Your use of the carving tools turned out fantastic.

    1. I appreciate the encouraging, kind words! My art teacher was a very patient person, just what a nervous, unsure student needed. Thanks for stopping by, my furriend!

  4. I really like the idea of a floating fruit bowl especially if it’s coming my way down the river hee hee, what a superb carving, it’s burnished so well. Fabulous abstract share and a wonderful gift. Thanks for sharing x

    1. Tracey,

      I love fruit, too! I don’t keep fresh fruit in the house much. It’s hard to get it all gone with just the two of us but when the kids were here then we couldn’t keep stocked up. lol Thanks for the return visit and kind words. Have a great evening!

  5. I am not sure I can say anything that hasn’t already been said in all of your comments, but I find it endearing that you have a wood carving from your high school years that took Honorable Mention in an art fair. So never say never my dear … you could probably make a hilarious abstract pinup if you put your mind to it 🙂 In fact, I challenge you to try while you are away from your blog so you don’t feel obligated to show it to anyone. You will be missed, but I look forward to your return. Next weeks challenge is going to be difficult for me so I am thinking it is a good time for you to take a break. Be well, be safe and enjoy your time away.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Andrea,

      I’ve been on hiatus most of the summer. I kept my Monday posts going is about all. Right now, I’m inching my way back into the routine. I think my too practical, too realistic side won’t allow me to create an abstract pinup gal. That would drive me nuts to do! But, I’ll keep the idea floating in the back of my mind just in case I want to give it a try. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, my friend.

  6. Love your photo and your art, Cathy! The love for art is in the eye of the beholder so be yourself and create what you feel. I like both abstract and realistic art.

    1. Eugenia,

      You’re right it’s all in the eye of the beholder. I might not instinctively connect with abstract art, I do appreciate the talent behind the designs. Thanks for visiting!

  7. Your wood carving is beautiful. I m sure you could do abstract things, just relax and play, don’t try putting things together. I loved the cartoon, so true. Have a great day, stay safe and well, Valerie

    1. Valerie,

      Good advice to relax and play with my art. I know that’s what held me back for years to pick up my pencil to draw. Now to let loose a little more and have fun. 🙂

  8. A stunning photograph, and it’s great to see your some of your artwork again. I do enjoy abstract art and have quite a collection on my walls. Each to their own as they say!

    1. Keith,

      Yep, we’re all unique with different preferences in all aspects of our lives. That’s what makes life interesting. Why can’t everyone just see that and get along? Thanks for the return visit, my friend. Be well!

  9. Can you believe that. We barbecued dinner and I went to go eat, but I just got back it’s around 9ish and I forgot to “Post Comment”! I’m soooooooooo sorry! I just posted it now it’s like almost 10ish. hahahaha I’m so sorry! Have a great night/day!

  10. Well Cat… I always knew from the first time I met you you were good abstract, and definitely not of the ordinary artist! Yes, I said artist… you don’t just draw like so many of us does. You put your heart into it and mind, and yet feeling too. I can see if you’re having a good or bad day or if you feel funny, loving, even caring sometimes and yes, even tired sometimes. Girl, I’m sorry, but you cannot hide your heart. It’s in your music and your art. I love that heart too. You are one of my top ten best friends. Come on you know you cannot just pick ONE best friend there are too many nice girls out there on-line to say the least, but then again ladies with a big heart and we have our choice from all over the world so it makes it difficult to pick out a truly best friend… am I right? huh? Huh? Yep, I knew you would agree! I loves ya girlfriend and then those are those type of girlfriends too… the kind you say… I loves ya lady! HUGS HAVE A GREAT NIGHT… It’s suppertime and we barbecued today! Woo Hoo AND we just came back from a lil’ walk in the park! I use my walker for that one for sure. The kind you can sit down on when you get tired. HEY BY THE WAY DID I TELL YOU… WOO HOO… TIME TO CELEBRATE… hmmm maybe I’ll have a sip of wine with my supper… besides it’s good for ya… just a lil’ now I said… I have a date for my shot for my back and a place and most importantly a doctor! WOO HOO! CANNOT WAIT TO MEET HIM ALSO… we’ve been doing telephone visits is all, but my shot date is the “14” and I cannot wait! WOO HOO! The pain has been unbearable lately… to one day I go from room to room and sit and cry half the day because of the dame pain. Plus pain killers the most I ever took in one day was Monday I believe and that was “4” Norcos (hydrocod/actam… 15/350MG… I believe is what they are. So yes, COME ON “14” CAN’T WAIT.. I cry every morning when I get up until the pain goes away, and when I get up really early to go to the bathroom I come back to bed & hubby here’s me whimpering,,, it’s back to back time. Hubby sleeps “HOT”… I MEAN EXTRAORDINARILY “HOT & I love it and we sleep back to back and he takes my pain away… DEAR JESUS, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR SAVING THIS MAN FOR ME!!! hahahaha never married before and he waited for me to arrive!!! hahahahaha NOW CAT IF YOU’D LIKE TO DELETE THIS OR CUT IT IN HALF FEEL FREE, BUT I WANTED TO SHARE ALL MY GOOD NEWS WITH YOU. Anyway the 14th is my shot and I’m going to feel soooooooooooooooo good, and next time I’m gonna save my pennies so I can get my next shot cuz even co-pay is a doozie!!! OUCH… and I’m going to get it all in now before the end of December then Co-Pay kicks back in. Yep Humana has given us all a break and no co-pay for people with HUMANA! WOO HOO! AIN’T IT GRAND??? oKAY ENOUGH… LOVE YOU GIRL AND HAVE A GREAT NIGHT AND WEEKEND. I’M STILL HANGIN’ AROUND IF YA WANNA CHIT CHAT! BIG HUGS… SORRY TO BORE YOU…

    1. Marie,

      First thank you for your kind words as always about my art. You’re so sweet! It’s true, it’s hard to have just “ONE” best girlfriend. Like you, I find there are many, many wonderful women I’ve come to know over the years through blogging especially who’s added so much to my life, a benefit I was not expecting at all when I embarked upon this path 10-years ago. What a blessing! You’re one of my besties, too. Thanks for being my friend!

      I’m soooo sorry you continue to be in such horrible pain. “Father God, please ease Marie’s pain so she won’t need extra meds. You are the Great Physician. Anything is possible with you in charge of our care. I’m placing all of this at your feet asking you to bring my sweet friend some relief from this misery. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

      DH is the same way. He puts out a lot of heat. I call him my personal heater. It’s especially nice in the cooler months. Sometimes when my lower back hurts, I find that helps just pushing my back up against his helps quite a bit. God has given us good men who love and take great care of us sometimes in ways they do not know.

      You didn’t bore me, silly! I love it when you have time for a long visit. I know the 14th can’t get here soon enough but it won’t be long. I’ll keep some extra prayers going for you. And if you need me to pick up the 4M linky then I’m happy to do it. That’s what friends are for, right? Take care, dearie!

  11. Not being an artist at all i cannot say for sure if it works, but i heard once that if you turn the model of whatever you are painting or drawing upside down, your brain sees it from a totally new perspective and sometimes that helps you get it a bit better.

    Love your art and your photo!

    1. Mimi,

      Mmm, that’s an interesting though to turn art upside down for new perspective. Thanks for the tip. I might have to do this sometime to see what I can shake out of my head. 🙂

  12. Beautiful photography, Cathy! As far as your wood art, I’ve never done anything like that. Sometimes, the best things come out of accidents. I am not great in abstract art, either – I like natural scenes – just like your sunset.

  13. The evening sun and reflection on the water is beautiful.

  14. Interesting artistic idea. I do find some abstract art visually interesting, but my preference is the classic styles where what you see is what you can recognize. Realistic looking art is quite an amazing skill I think.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Kathe,

      Doing the wood carving project was lots of fun and quite interesting. These days I simply prefer pencil and paper or my iPad to doodle.

  15. Nice photography and brilliant artwork Cathy I can’t draw for toffee LOL

    Hope all is OK and your staying safe

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

    1. Steve,

      Thanks for the return visit! We’re doing fine here in East Tennessee. DH continues to work from home and I keep busy doing what I always do. Actually I’ve been more creative since all of this stuff started, so it’s not been all that bad after all. I do what things to get back to the way they were, though.

  16. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild & Wordless Wednesday, dear friend!

    You caught me by surprise today. I didn’t think you were running a post and so I got busy doing other things.

    That’s a wonderful wood carving, Cathy! Congratulations on taking Honorable Mention. You deserved it! I’ll bet DH appreciated getting it, too. I know what you mean when you set out to do a piece one way and it winds up taking you in a different direction. It reminds me of my 7th great English literature class. The teacher asked us to create our own notebooks to keep material on Great Expectations. Working on it at home, I had my cover artwork sheet finished and ready to glue to the binder, but I accidentally dropped it on the floor then clumsily kicked/stepped on it and put a deep crease in it. Instead of starting over, I decided to go with the crease and color one side of the page in reds and the half on the other side of the crease in shades of blue. The cover turned out to be quite nice, It was “three dimensional” because the crease stood out from the binder about an eighth of an inch. My teacher thought I had deliberately done the project that way and awarded me an A for my creativity. 🙂

    While I love to look at abstract and Impressionist art, I am mostly like you – left brained and not very creative. I find that I am good at taking existing things and rearranging them to make something else.

    Have a wonderful day, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I had my post ready to go but the wrong date. Thankfully I caught it not too long after the scheduled time. I’m glad you found an opening to visit. I know how it goes when you get involved in things. I’ve been rather busy offline and am ready to relax but I have to get dinner going in a sec. I’m glad your English assignment earned you an excellent mark despite the screw up. Sometimes just going with the flow to see where it takes you can be rewarding as we both learned from our experience.

  17. I love your photography and your artwork. You’re most talented and I know it’s a passion of yours. I’m sure you can get lost in your creations while doing them. That’s the best kind of relaxation.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      You’re right, artwork is my sweet spot for relaxation. I love being creative. I found experimenting with new food dishes gives me the same satisfaction. I’ve really enjoyed cooking more since the who pandemic forced us to stay home. Thanks for stopping by, my dear!

  18. When it comes to abstract art I just enjoy what I see. I don’t spend much time trying to figure out the meaning behind the creation. To me, poetry is much the same way. Often the true meaning of the poem is completely different from the words that are actually on the paper and I don’t spend the time researching the back story to understand the “hidden” meaning. I’m more of a “say what you mean” kind of person. Have a blessed day.

    1. Driller,

      I’m like you, I just want to enjoy the art not interpret it. I’m sure I’d miss what the artist is trying to say and that requires too much brain power. Even viewing art should be fun. Being a “say what you mean” kind of person isn’t a bad thing. That way no one can say they are clueless when you speak, right? Okay…it all depends on who you’re addressing. There are quite a few folks out there who don’t have enough brain cells required to get even the basics. 😀

  19. Abstract is a special thing. Sometimes I like it, most of the time it isn’t really my thing. Love your drawing of the abstract art piece.

    1. I agree abstract is a special thing and you have to have a talent for it. I admire those who see the world abstractly, turning the ordinary into something extraordinary.

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