Tag: vintage style pinup girls
April 10, 2020
A-Z Challenge
Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘I’)
Thank God it’s Friday, right? What’s that you say, everyday feels the same while staying at home? Welcome to my…
April 09, 2020
A-Z Challenge
Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘H’)
It’s Thursday already. WOW, this week is nearly up! Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday, so I’ll be MIA in Blogosphere…
April 02, 2020
A-Z Challenge
Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘B’)
How’s the social distancing coming for y’all? I hope everyone is safe and sound today. That’s the important thing. We’ll…