Tag: the eclectic element
July 31, 2012
Monday's Music Moves Me
The Gala Giveaway Winners Are…
Thank you to everyone for making the 4M Gala Giveaway a fun and exciting way to mark 100 Weeks of…
July 11, 2012
Blog Award
Thank-you, McGuffy Ann!
Earlier in the week, my lovely friend McGuffy Ann of McGuffy’s Reader. honored me with Fabulous Blog Ribbon. Allow me…
July 03, 2012
Random Tuesday Thoughts
Gala Giveaway Prizes, The Fourth Kind, Cat News, Real Estate Blues, & Trouble Accepting
Have you been dancing with the Love Train one Monday’s Music Moves Me? What, you haven’t? Right now, a Gala…
November 04, 2011
Special Feature
Featured Blogger Friday on The Eclectic Element
My new bloggy friend, Kayla from The Eclectic Element has put a post up today with me as her featured…