Tag: The Afters
February 25, 2021
Thursday Art Date
Is it a mallowdrama or melodrama or perhaps a tragedy
Hello! I’m so happy you decided to join me. Rain’s art prompt is tragedies or melodramas. I decided to sketch…
August 02, 2020
Songsational Sundays
Well Done #TheAfters
Praise and worship mewsic always stirs my heart. I feel the presence of the Almighty when I tune into songs…
June 28, 2020
Songsational Sundays
I Will Fear No More #TheAfters
Good morning, how are you today? Fear is a product of our environment. If we don’t allow it to control…
November 20, 2017
Monday's Music Moves Me
Be Thankful for What You Got #4M
Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! I’m going to keep things simple today. This is a short but full week for…