Saturday Songsuasion & Sillies #TheChrisBarron

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I got a new follower recently who happens to be a singer. So, I checked out some of his music because frankly I was unfamiliar with him and that’s okay because I LOVE the discovery of new-to-me artists.
 Chris Brown is best known as the lead singer of the band Spin Doctors. What you maybe didn’t know is that long before he was that goofy guy in the hat on MTV, he was an even goofier kid with an acoustic guitar. Chris plays nifty chords on an old Gibson to masterfully crafted songs that are poignant yet wistful and funny, all the while singing in a manner that’s sweet and somewhat different from what you would expect if you only knew his hits, “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong” and “Two Princes”. Live, his stage patter is almost as entertaining as his singing. A powerful story-teller, at once hilarious and thought-provoking, Chris sets up his songs with anecdotes from a life on the road, from opening for and encountering legends like the Rolling Stones to Polar expeditions. He says, “I don’t really think about what I’m going to say beforehand. I just say stuff and if it goes over well, I say more stuff like that later.” A founding member of a band that’s loved by millions of people the round world over, Chris’ solo shows have all the lyric poetry and singing virtuosity that Spin Doctors fans appreciate along with a range of expression and songwriting that will delight and surprise.
Well, I’m delighted to meet Chris. His music style definitely fits my ear. How about you? Here’s another album for your listening pleasure!

Is Chris Brown new to you, as he is to me? I hope you enjoyed his music as much I did and if you want to stay ahead of the game. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

image borrowed
Visit Chris’ site

Now for your weekly dose of medicine laughter. I have to warn you, it’s definitely habit-forming!

I spotted this on Facebook.

What’s got you giggling?

This past #WW, I shared a gnarled tree from the Blue Ridge Parkway that I captured and it inspired me to get creative.

Linking with Claudia for #s-ART-urday with Project 11. I used the above image and applied lightening and cloud brush effects supplied by Obsidian Dawn.
Linking with Claudia for #s-ART-urday with Project 11. I used the above image and applied lightning and cloud brush effects supplied by Obsidian Dawn.

That’s a wrap for this week. I hope you enjoyed your visit and I appreciate you including me in your weekend. Feel free to invite your friends to stop in for a listen. It’s a great feeling to share! What’s next? How about a little Monday Mewzik & Mewzings

Have a songsational Saturday!


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