Tag: Sparks
May 08, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
Climax Blues Band
Good day, dear friends! How was your weekend? I hope you treated yourself well. Ours was very nice. Our son…
April 17, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
Life is magical
How was your weekend? Ours was fun. We spent Friday night in Greensboro, NC and early on Saturday we got…
January 23, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
How Do You Spell Your Name?
Hello! I hope you had a good weekend. I came up with this week’s theme, Use a band or artist…
May 25, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
Tiptoe Through the Tulips In the Garden Buttercup
Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! It’s Memorial Day in the states so I’m enjoying the holiday hanging around the…
September 15, 2019
Battle of the Bands
BoTB Round 11 ‘Stairway To Heaven’ showdown
Welcome to my first BOTB comeback post! After a long hiatus from the battles, I’m ready to get the show…