
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Tag: soul

No Howling, Strange Sounds, or Bumps In the Night, Please!

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus There ain’t any Dead Man’s Bones rattling in my blog and you…

Wendy Moten

This week on Monday’s Music Moves Me there isn’t a music prompt.  We’re boogieing to whatever music moves you.  Let’s…

CAAC presents The Soul Survivors

Last week’s theme research lead me to rediscover The Soul Survivors with “Expressway (To Your Heart)”,  which I liked and…

You’re invited to a dance party! #MondaysMusicMovesMe

Hello, Kittens and Dawgs!  I’m popping in quickly to invite y’all to hit the dance floor on Monday’s Music Mewsic…

Famous Musicians & Their Musical Kids: Marvin Gaye, Part 3 4M + BOTB

Attention BoTBers, today’s battle song feature’s Gayle’s hit song, “I Heard It Through The Grapevine” near the end of the…
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