Skywatch Friday: Sun setting at Fort Loudon Lake

Hello kittens and dawgs! Is it Friday again so soon? Yep, the weekend is here. Not only is it Friday, but it’s the last Friday in this month. Time isn’t missing a beat, ticking by faster than I care to admit.

Who needs some sunny, blue skies? I see those hands going up, including my own. Today’s SWF contribution is another revisit from my photo archives and coincidentally is another shot from Fort Loudon Lake in Farragut, Tennessee from nearly three years ago when the weather was kinder.

IMG_1843 sunset over Fort Loudon
I didn’t do anything too fancy to this image, other than crop and add my copyright. I love how the landscape in the foreground silhouettes against the sky with the sun peeping through the branches, don’t you?

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

I’m linking up with the SWF team and invite you to join other photo enthusiasts across the net. Next up, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.

I celebrate…

  • the temporary warming tread we’re experiencing. I know it won’t last and it’s more of a tease than anything else. I hope February doesn’t bring harsher conditions than what we’ve had so far.
  • signing up for the April 2016 A to Z Challenge. This year I’m using the blog code PR for personal. In the past I’ve used music and photography, but with things up in the air I decided to go the conservative route. I have a theme in mind and plan to get as many post completed ahead. This really makes a huge difference on how well I enjoy my participation.
  • finally kicking myself in gear to take part in survey and website testing sites to earn a little pocket change.
  • monetizing my blog with affiliate links. These things I either use or feel good to share with you. Our family finances need all the help we can get with DH out of work.


Life should be celebrated, even when it seems like you have no reason to celebrate. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?

How do you feel about sites with ads?

Join the party below!

One way to celebrate is with  Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like music then I invite you to come back Monday for a two for all special with my newest edition of Battle of the Bands and I’ll be hitting the dance floor with the lovely Monday’s Music Moves Me crew, too. I know you don’t want to miss out on all that fun, right?

Thanks for visiting. Have a good weekend. Have a fototastic day!

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