Exercise to magic slippers and sidelined by travel pics

Near the end of last month I committed myself to a strict diet, counting my calories and being extra careful to not eat more than my body can burn off.  With that mindset, I stepped up my game to exercise daily. Here I am in action..

I’ve really changed a lot since you saw me last, huh? 😀  I couldn’t resist. I filmed this little guy while on one of my adventures and recorded my voice using iMovies.  I’m not much of a movie maker but it was still fun.  Just call me Silly!

Another thing I began in August is getting those childhood memories in writing.  I know I’ve shared some random stories but I’d like to incorporate more of a collective body of events and so that’s what I’m going to do today in part.  

I’m not sure of an exact date when my parents moved from their 2-room house that did not have indoor facilities or running water to our fully plumbed home with an indoor bathroom.  I know it was prior to first grade which would’ve been 1968. The weather was nice.  I’m thinking it had to be somewhere between spring and late summer.  

The first day in my new home, my little brother and I were playing in the yard when all the neighboring kids came running to meet the newcomers.  Coming to a quick halt on the other side of the concrete block fence boarding our yard were three boys and girl. The two taller kids were older and two smaller ones my age.  I met them. Les with his best friend Tyrone and Les’ little sister, Anita with her good friend, Robbie. Like a monkey, Anita scaled that block fence. WOWed by such maneuvering and agility, I said, “How did you do that?” She shifted her shoulders rolling her eyes toward her feet, “With these magic slippers!”   My eyes fell on her feet totally enchanted by such mystical power and wondered how she acquired magical shoes.  From that instant, I secretly hoped she might one day let me try them on because I didn’t have any magical slippers.  Being the good friend that she always was, still is, she let me put them on one day.  Did it give me special abilities? Unfortunately, that secret is locked away somewhere in my brain but I’ll never forget those magic slippers.


Below is a picture I borrowed off Anita’s FB wall of us together some time ago and I shared it 100 Truths last year. I wonder if those are the magic slippers I remember.   

Anita has long locks. I’m sitting on her bike. She always shared her toys with me.

Anita will always be my first best friend but my lifelong best friend is DH and we love to do everything together. Here’s a happy little surprise I found on my camera roll while knocking around in the mountains last month, an accidental selfie of best friends together. Excuse the blurriness. I had no clue I was taking several pictures of us and this one is the best. 🙂

I had just taken a photo of the Chatuge Lake in northern GA not far from Clayton.  We were en route to Highlands, North Carolina when we came across this picturesque spot.   Can you see the slight change in the foliage?  Yep, fall is on its way!


That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution for Thursday Art Date with Rain

X💋X💋, Cathy

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself.  This linky party spans 14-days, so next week be sure to link up again. 😉  Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… spammers will be deleted without prejudice.

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