
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Tag: Procreate illustration

The Little Mermaid Art Sketches, Hodgepodge, and WSC

Howdy-hi, folks!  It’s mid-week again and it’s the last Wednesday in the month.  The days disappear quickly on a person…

WSC, Road Trip #6 News, & More

Earlier this morning, my BOTB showdown for published for those interested in voting and if you don’t know what that…

Weekly song challenging, Hodgepodge Q&A, and Procreate artwork

Let’s start hump day with mewsic. Mary from JingleJangleJungle host’s a mid-week song challenge. She tosses out three prompts and…

Bird in Flight Procreate illustration

This week’s art prompt is birds and sky.  I don’t gravitate toward birds when I sketch but I’ve drawn a…

The Big Screen

This week DH & I are taking some vacation days that he must use or loose. We’ll be doing this…
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