It’s a Challenge

Every Wednesday, Kat Bouska author of Mama’s Losin’ It posts six questions prompting her readers to choose, create, and link up with her near-world famous writing workshop.

This week I have to admit I felt a bit stumped on the prompts but I decided it was worth taking up the gauntlet anyhow.  The first choice is to list my 8 top favorite candies.  I can give you more than eight probably but I questioned this prompt because the truth is over the years my candy fixation is growing less so ‘candy’ doesn’t nearly excite me as it once did.  I know gasp, right?  High school crush is a problem, you see I dated DH all between grades 9-11 and then we got married between 11th-12th grades, so I wasn’t crushing on anyone, not even a teacher.  I don’t want to fall into the trap of thinking V-Day is overrated but honestly, do we need a special day to test one’s love? Not really.  The last time someone did something nice for me was at McDonald’s. I got a small order of fries and with payment in hand, the guy just said that’s okay. I was a taken back a little by his kind gesture. I quietly protested against the offer but he said, no really take it. So, I happily nodded a word of thanks. Oh yeah, I’d like to change my flabby belly to abs of steel. Okay, just a nice flat tummy would be nice but stubborn abdominal fat is a difficult task to get rid of even with diet & exercise. It helps but it isn’t a cure-all.   Childbearing takes its toll on the female body.  The only solution is a lipo (or something less evasive like cool sculpting) and a tummy tuck.  I seriously doubt one procedure will fix the problem that’s why I mentioned both.  Unfortunately, this is well out of our financial means, so I’m stuck with achieving the best me the only way I know how.  However, of the choices, Kat’s third option spoke the loudest.  At first, I thought about writing a poem. Nah, that wasn’t happening. My inspiration went south fast.  Then it dawned on me isn’t that why I’m here each Thursday? It’s the challenge I’m seeking! I’m looking for ways to spark my imagination to create content to share more about me from a word or question prompt like the way I did at the beginning of my blogging life that somehow got swept away doing other things.  I hope you won’t object to my rule breaking by stretching things a bit but my inspiration became clear to mash up all the prompts into one post using alternate words (in bold) for this dare.

Tell me how did I do? 🙂


Purrsonally speaking I’m thankful for everything God gives me each day but I’d like to recognize specifics.  


Today, I want to say, I’m thankful for bloggers like Kat and there are a whole lot of others who spur my imagination to do more.  I need this direction! I have a page dedicated for Blog Hops to stimulate my daily activities. This brings to mind the April challenge with the A to Z community. Do I enter another year making it my 6th?  It makes demands on my time now and then but the strain has been worth it in the past.   Should I feel summon then I will accept. 😉


I’ll keep you posted on what I decide about the April A2Z Challenge. Sign up begins March 1st!

I’m joining Thankful Thursday. What are you thankful for this Thursday?  

Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for your laughs and to see how last week’s BoTB showdown played out this week’s edition of Friday Fun Stuff!


X💋X💋, Cathy

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