Ramble With Purpose

Before I getting going on my normal posting, let me please ask you to remember to pray for our dear friend, Les Davis.  He’s undergoing surgery this morning to remove an aneurysm, which was recently detected.  I’ll be sure to update you on the developments. Thanks!

It’s TGIF! If you’re like me, and I know you are, then you’re smiling from ear-to-ear about now.  Oh, happy days – it’s Friday! The weekend is here.  We can kick back and relax, right? Well…for the most part, yes.

Sometimes, I’m guilty of rambling, are you? Not today, I’m rambling with purpose.  Let me explain.  Our son attends his first prom on Saturday.  When a home school prom was in the beginning stages, I asked him, if he wanted to attend.  He told me he wasn’t interested.  I recalled how important this was for his older sisters, you know the prom thingy and that’s reasonably expected of girls, though. Anyhow,  I know guys are different and I didn’t press him. I asked him to tell me should he change his mind and I would get him a ticket. That was the end of it. Or was it?

This was our family conversation last month.  It went something along the line.

DH said, “And, next month is Austin’s home school prom.”

I said, “Yeah, but he’s not interested in attending.”

“Austin, don’t you want to go to your prom?”

“Ah, well…”

“He doesn’t want to go, honey, or else he would have told me something long before now.” I interrupted.

“I think it’s important that he attend,” DH says.

“More than likely, I’ve deleted the email containing the info, and…”

“Would you like for your mother to find out about the prom so you can go?”

“Sure! Why not!”

“What? I ask you and you say, ‘No’ then your dad asks and it’s ‘Yes, I wanna go.” I smack myself on the forehead. “You don’t have a nice jacket, you need new slacks… where is your tie?”

“First thing, first, Cathy….breathe and find out about the prom.”

“Okay, I do that and, then I need to order him a jacket and pants and…”

“What’s the purpose of this post,” you ask.  It’s simple…teenagers – who can figure them out? Oh well…the big day is almost here. He’s going without a date and that’s okay but he’ll meet up with a friend, Rebekka, who he has never met in person, which is sure to be fun.  Rebekka will be going with a group of her girlfriends.  This may prove to be interesting for DS – a circle of girls with only one guy in the mix.  I believe they’ll have a blast.  There isn’t any boyfriend/girlfriend stuff going on, so they can all have fun dancing together, socializing, and being teenagers.  Whatever does that mean today?  I’m sure herds of teenagers are about as goofy as they were when I was a teenager, you know…when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Check back on Monday for an update on the Under The Sea themed home-school prom night event told by me through my son’s experience.

How’s the weather forecast stacking up for you this weekend? What plans do you have?

Take a moment to relax now with Yanni.

Have a wonderful time doing whatever makes you happy and above all, be safe! Hugs






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