Compliment, DH, NFL, Opry Mills, & Las Vegas Shooting

Good-morning, I hope you enjoy my music arrangement of Rue du Soleil. The first track on my playlist I stumbled on I’m not sure how but I REALLY liked it and knew I had to share it with my kittens & dawgs!

First thing I need to say I’m sorry to a young gal somewhere in Knoxville. Yesterday, she popped her head out of the car window exclaiming, “YOU LOOK NICE!” I really appreciated the compliment a lot! I mean what girl doesn’t right? I smiled politely saying “Thank you” but way too low-keyed and I know that didn’t tell this young gal how much it meant to me. So… if you’re out there reading this (probably not)… I’m sorry and you’re sweet to let me know!

Speaking of looking nice, DH came home last night with three new blouses for me. Man! Oh, man, am I ever a lucky girl! I feel so undeserving of his special treatment and makes me feel like real princess.  He’s such a sweetheart. I think I’ll keep him! 😉

For a couple of years we wanted to go to Nashville to knock around and finally made it last Friday, we took in the shops on Opry Mills Drive. This is a very touristy area with the Grand Ole Opry and Gaylord Opryland on the premise of the very large…I mean HUGE outlet mall. Anyway we had loads of fun browsing around when who should we see but….


There she stood bigger than life posing in front of a shop. I, immediately pulled out my brand new iPhone8 to capture the moment. I mean, it’s not every day you see a celebrity camera ready like this but then…

I didn’t, either!

The Opry Mills shopping center is the nicest outlet mall I’ve visited and it’s amazing that it has a Madame Tussauds.  The waxed figures are unbelievably life-like.  I examined Taylor’s hand closely and the details was incredible. That’s George Strait on the right and I believe behind him is Rihanna. We did not enter the musuem due to short on time and a whole of calaustrophobia, you’re invading my personal space to battle that I did not want to even think about going inside just yet. Maybe another day I’ll be willing to go. Why there’s even an aquarium inside the mall!

I’ve been waiting to take a picture of neon fish forever and finally got to snap a few pictures. Aren’t the colors gorgeous?

On our way back to the car, we stopped at Johnny Rockets for a to-go order. Isn’t this place cool? I love the retro feel of this place!

I’m not going to lie to you this place is expensive or at least we think it is. We shelled out almost nineteen bucks for one burger, an order of fries, and a chocolate milkshake. The quantity was normal, not super-sized or anything.  Don’t get me wrong, it was enough food for the two of us. We always share a meal because generally a single meal is too much for me. For the price the food quality wasn’t superior. We think Five Guys or Shake & Steak is at least as good if not better and almost half the price. But…it was fun nonetheless and we’re happy that we tried them.

We have plans to return to Nashville. I can’t say when we’ll make another trip or even if it’ll be this year but when we do again we’ll want to come back to this mall.

Let me just say, I’m fed up with the NFL. I mean, who isn’t? These multi-million dollar players who refuse to show respect for those who bled and died for this country to protect the freedoms that they enjoy today are pompous so-and-so. If I was a woman of strong language then I might choose to call them other things but “pompous so-and-so” will suffice. All I have to do is say, shame on you for taking a knee when the national anthem plays! You’re entitled to your opinion but your job isn’t to toss your political views my way.  If I were the team owner(s) then I’d have a serious talk with the coaches stating in no uncertain terms to get the players under control least they face a hefty penalty – loss wages, fine, whatever it takes to stop this punch in the face of every veteran or fallen soldier and every patriotic American. After all money has a way of changing a person attitude if nothing else temporarily. I’d love to see these athletes have a change of heart but get this while the guys are making a show of themselves on national TV, I want to commend an organization who supports the national anthem. Let’s hear it for The Lingerie Football League!

In the space above there was a video but it appears YouTube took the video down.  I suspect it’s just more of their bias censorship of those proud to show their allegiance to the American flag and respect to those who protect and died to keep this nation free.

Let me go on record, I am not a fan of most women’s sports but I TOTALLY respect these gals taking a strong stand and showing the the NFL how it’s done.  Hey boys…the girls are doin’ it better than you! You’re getting your back-end whipped good on this one!! What do  you think of that?

Let’s make the most of our opinion, if you have a beef with the NFL doin’ this and you know the names of teams and players who disrespect our flag and national anthem then leave it in comments for others to see.  I noticed yesterday in comments on XmasDolly’s site that team members of the @Ravens did this over the weekend and recently DH shared that the @Steelers refuse to come out of the locker room for the national anthem, except Alejandro Villanueva a former Army Ranger Captain broke pack to be on the field. That takes a lot of backbone. Way to go Alexjandro!  Whenever I watch football these days, I root for the team who is the least offender. I hate that sponsors are pulling their support but am glad at the same time. Obviously the sponsors are listening to the feedback. I do not want to see the NFL destroyed but it’s the players, the coaches, and other supporters who’ll be the undoing of an iconic sport IF this continues.

Don’t forget to change the HASHTAG for the football team or player you want to shame.

Before I go, I want to let all the families affected in Las Vegas shooting Sunday evening that we’re praying for you.  This is a senseless act perpetrated by a very bad person taking 59 lives and inflicting harm on countless others.  It’s heartbreaking that there’s so much evil in the world and it keeps getting closer to home. People can’t find inner peace anymore because they have their have turned their hearts away from God, placing their hopes in just about everything else, except the Lord. Jesus is the way, folks! May God heal the injured and comfort the shattered lives!

This is what the hop hostess says… I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you’re okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with “Hey, It’s Okay”. It’s rude.

It’s okay….to have an opinion but choosing when and where to give it requires discretion.  NFL players taking the knee is a fine example of a need to hold off on moment.  They are paid to do a job just like anyone and their job is to  entertain and  to provide a brief distraction for the fans from the world.  Will your employer let you mouth off or embarass the company just because things aren’t purrfect politically, socially, emotionally, or financially? I didn’t think so! What do you think your boss or company would do to you, if you disgraced or misrepresented their views? I think you might get a little pink slip or heck, maybe a big ole…”YOU’RE FIRED!”

It’s okay…to take an extended blogging hiatus. Many of my blogger friends have stepped away temporarily, hopefully, because they’ve lost that blogging feeling and this definitely, “Hey’ It’s Okay” moment because once blogging resembles a chore then the fun is gone, gone, gone.

It’s okay…to respond to and do return visits at your pace. Rushing either turns blogging into a chore. I think this is what happens to us all. We get under the gun, no doubt of our own doing at least this is in the way it is with me, to push ourselves beyond our limit which results in blog burn out. I’m like hey, it’s okay take it easy. I’m not going anywhere, just get to me when you can.

That’s a wrap for this morning. I’m taking a coffee break with Les from Ink Interrupted for Tuesday Coffee Chat and linking with Stacy for Random Tuesday Thoughts . You’re welcome to come with and if not, I hope you’ll come by tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.




























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