Tag: Pharell Williams
July 30, 2018
Battle of the Bands, Monday's Music Moves Me
We’re boogieing to sign language songs!
Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! How was your weekend? Here we are facing yet another month slipping away all too…
November 14, 2016
Monday's Music Moves Me
Celebratory, Victorious, or Just Plain Happy music
Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! It’s Monday and I’m feeling so happy still after last week’s presidential election. So, I decided…
April 07, 2014
A-Z Challenge, Monday's Music Moves Me
#a2zchallenge: Feel good music for a feel good mood on #4M
The weekend is over. I am back to my commitment with the A to Z Challenge. If you’re here because…
July 29, 2013
Monday's Music Moves Me
Sizzlin’ 2013 Summertime Hits on Monday’s Music Moves Me
Mariah Carey spells S-U–M-M-E–R-T-I-M-E. Her tunes usually go POP chart wild! “Beautiful” is no exception running on…