Que Sera, Sera

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! DH and I enjoy streaming movies on Netflix. The past couple of weeks we’ve watched a few old flicks staring Doris Day: That Touch of Mink with Cary Grant and Do Not Disturb with Rod Taylor. These features were wonderful, especially the first of the two. It’s refreshing to see how women embraced their womanhood and enjoyed being treated differently than men.

I’m going to be brave in saying, I believe women today would like to receive the same considerations from the opposite sex, as the women did from yesteryear. What do you think? Unfortunately, our society is raising girls to trade in their feminine virtues in favor of acting like the guys and boys taught by their peers to not publicly recognize women as the gentler sex.

Gone are the days when a man opened the door for a lady he didn’t know, standing when a woman entered a room, paying a compliment on how she looks, or simply watching how he spoke around her. I don’t blame a man for slinking away from his duties with all the persecution he can get.

It’s all rather silly to me and personally I miss the attention. However, on the rare occasions a stranger displays his chivalry is flattering and I gratefully acknowledge my appreciation for the gesture.

Getting back to the movies reminded me of a day of innocence when girls liked being girls and boys liked being boys. When I was a just a little girl…hmm, sounds like a song, I routinely watched Doris Day’s TV show in the late 60s and early 70s. It was wholesome, entertaining fun.

My bestie girlfriend and I would sing Day’s  US #2 hit song which became not only the theme song for her TV show, but her signature song.


This song has a dreamy quality about it, that makes me feel kinda airy and gay (not sexually, just happy).

  1. When you were a little girl or boy, what did you want to be? When I was just a little girl I don’t remember asking my mother what will I be? I kinda knew all alone what I wanted for my life; to be a mother and wife.
  2. Some would say these changes are due to the times we live and others would say it is people who have changed not time. What do you think? IMO, people change over time for one of two reasons: personal conviction which helps one to become a better person or peer persuasion which ultimately causes one to be less of a good person. People tend to side with what feels good, instead of what is right. I was taught bad habits, ideas, … always rub off on good people. It’s hardly ever the other way around. People either choice to wear blinders or they don’t care to know the difference. Either way, these folks have lost judgement to make good decisions for themselves.

I’m linking up with the amazing blog post prompter, Ink Interrupted and the Queen of Random, Stacy Uncorked. You’ll want to check these awesome gals out.  I invite you to come back to my place this evening at 8pm to join my Wordless (not-so-wordless) Wednesday linky party.

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