Tag: new year’s resolutions
January 03, 2020
Friday Sillies
New Year’s & other random bits of giggles
This is DH’s off-Friday and for those who aren’t a regular on CAAC this means I’m MIA in Blogosphere today…
January 05, 2018
Friday Fun Stuff
Garfield, Alf, Stupid People, Grumpy Cat, New Year’s Resolutions, & Weird Al
Greetings, Kittens & Dawgs! How’s the first four days of the new year treating you? This is not only DH’s…
December 29, 2017
Friday Fun Stuff
New Year’s Resolution Giggles
Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! This is the last Friday Sillies contribution for the year and to kick…
January 11, 2015
Sunday Sillies
Sunday Sillies: New Year’s Resolutions #humor
Good-morning, kittens & dawg! How did the first full week of the new year go for ya? We had some…