Tag: Mark Parisi
September 01, 2020
Battle of the Bands
Summer’s End BOTB showdown with some Tickle Me Tuesdays giggles
I really wish I could say that I spent my summer Cathy napping but I can’t. Despite my semi blogging…
April 17, 2020
A-Z Challenge
Cathy’s Pinup Girl AtoZ Challenge art sketch series (‘O’)
How did Friday get here again so soon? I know many are working from home include DH and every day…
April 14, 2020
A-Z Challenge
Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘L’)
How’s things going with this morning? All is well on this end, a little tired but hopefully a cup of…
March 30, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
Take a Walk in the Park Day #walking theme songs
It’s the last Monday in March and soon another month will come to an end. Where did the days go? …
March 17, 2020
Tickle Me Tuesdays
Coronavirus Memes
Howdy, hi folks! It’s me again…yeah, I know last week I said I’d cut back on my normal blogging routine…