Tag: letter ‘E’
April 06, 2020
A-Z Challenge, Monday's Music Moves Me
Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge artsketch series (‘E’) hits the 4M dance floor
Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! This month’s honorary co-hostess is a first time but has been boogieing with the…
February 06, 2019
Wordless Wednesday
Market Scribble Picnic Sketch with ABC Wednesday Letter ‘E’!
This week Michael challenged the Scribble Picnic community with the word prompt, ‘Market’. Initially, I thought about our home state…
April 05, 2018
A-Z Challenge
A2Z Challenge Creating iPad Art Sketches “E”
Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, Last year while drawing people I found the eyes to be really challenging. I wanted to…
April 06, 2017
A-Z Challenge
AprilA2Z Art Sketching through the Alphabet “E”
Hello, Kitten & Dawgs! I’m excited you joined me for the next A2Z alphabet prompt. I got energized for today’s…
April 06, 2016
A-Z Challenge
All Things Vintage: Elvgren Art AprilA2Z
Howdy, kittens and dawgs! Typically I do a Wordless Wednesday feature. You can find my linky party at the end,…