Tag: leo sayer
February 10, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
That lovin’ feelin’
Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! This week’s theme is your choice song picks which means anything goes. Whatever mewsic…
February 03, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
You Light Up My Life, DH!
The underdogs rose to top dog in Super Bowl LIV. Way to go, Kansas City Chiefs! I have to admit…
September 28, 2017
Throw Back Thursday
1977 The King Dies,The Force, 2 Crazy Guys, & More #tbt
Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! I presenting to you my retro post editions on a new day with a…
April 16, 2012
Monday's Music Moves Me
Help, I’ve Gotta Boogie Fever!
Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me! Head conductor is Marie from Xmas Dolly. Making sure the passengers aboard…