Tag: Led Zeppelin
April 03, 2022
Monday's Music Moves Me
It’s a birthday party!
Thank you for making the Sunday Edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me apart of your day! Our lovely Marie wanted…
September 22, 2021
Wild Wednesdays
Wild Wednesday – music, hodgepodge, and art
Howdy-hi, folks! If you’ve been reading CAAC for awhile, then you might have followed my April 2020 A2Z Challenge Pinup…
October 24, 2020
Rocktober Music Fest
Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin joins the Rocktober Music Fest
Once again, I’m using this week’s art prompt, LEGENDS, for inspiration in my daily song feature. There are songs penned…
September 15, 2019
Battle of the Bands
BoTB Round 11 ‘Stairway To Heaven’ showdown
Welcome to my first BOTB comeback post! After a long hiatus from the battles, I’m ready to get the show…
August 18, 2019
Monday's Music Moves Me
Don’t cry in your rootbeer
Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday! This week’s theme is “Musical Acrostics!” In honor of the birthday…