Tag: johnny cash
September 01, 2023
Battle of the Bands
Folsom Prison Blues BOTB Showdown
The idea to use Johnny Cash’s #4 Billboard Hot Country Song Folsom Prison Blues has sat on the back burner…
November 23, 2021
Top Ten Tuesday
Thanksgiving Songs and humor
Howdy-hi, folks! Here in the US, we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday. Most of my readers are in America, so I…
January 27, 2021
Wild Wednesdays
Weekly Song Challenge: A profession, day of the week, and a vehicle & a Wednesday Hodgepodge Q&A
Let’s start hump day with mewsic. Mary from JingleJangleJungle host’s a mid-week song challenge. She tosses out three prompts and…
November 11, 2020
Recipes, Wild Wednesdays
Local fall landscape pictures
Last week I didn’t do so hot getting back into the blogging groove. I have too much on my plate…
April 02, 2018
A-Z Challenge, Monday's Music Moves Me
#AtoZChallenge Creating iPad Art Sketches Letter ‘B’
Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, Before I go any further, let me say thanks to all the hosts of the A2Z…