Tag: in living color
October 28, 2021
Thursday Art Date
Witch Hazel
Howdy-hi, folks! This month’s prompts focused on producing out of this world to spooky art. For the last Thursday in…
September 22, 2021
Wild Wednesdays
Wild Wednesday – music, hodgepodge, and art
Howdy-hi, folks! If you’ve been reading CAAC for awhile, then you might have followed my April 2020 A2Z Challenge Pinup…
June 05, 2019
Wordless Wednesday
Hammerhead shark ‘In Living Color’ A2Z Challenge
Two weeks ago, I shared Flounder ‘in living color’. In my recent Friday Fun Stuff edition, I displayed Grimsby ‘in living…
May 22, 2019
Wordless Wednesday
Wednesday Mashup – Wordless Wednesday + Round 9 BOTB Results
Two weeks ago, I began sharing my reinvented A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch illustrations and got a bit carried away…
May 08, 2019
Wordless Wednesday
‘Eric’ in living color
A few months back I made the decision to incorporate my artwork into my mid-week not-so-Wordless Wednesday time slot. Now…