You’ve Got Mail edition I.V.G.L.D.S.P. Day

I came up with the idea while sorting through old files stored on my external hard drives to recirculate old emails I collected (before deleting them).  I remembered how much fun it was to get those fun nuggets of humor or inspiration from a friend and if you have an email subscription to CAAC then it’ll kind of be like sharing these things again the way I once did.

This is not the actual email I received. I did a mock up of the original replacing actual email addresses and names with fake ones.


Is this even such a day? If not, then there should be and I declare today as it or any day for that matter.

 No comments, needed. Click “like” to let me know you stopped by instead. 😉 This is for your enjoyment.

I’ll see you on the dance floor next with Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays.  Have a blessed day!

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