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13-03-2025 Vol 19

Tag: Happy Tuesdays

Funny Quote

Click “like” to let me know you stopped in today and have a Happy Tuesday!  

Thanksgiving Songs and humor

Howdy-hi, folks! Here in the US, we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday. Most of my readers are in America, so I…

10 ‘Eye’ Song Titles, Tips That Could Help Slow Down Cataract Growth, Vision Humor, & Tuesday4

Howdy-hi, folks! As I said on Sunday, today might be a conglomerate of bloggy memes rolled into one post.  I’d…

Anyone’s Ghost by The National

This is day 5 of the music challenge, hosted by Mary at JingleJangleJungle. I accidentally stumbled on a pattern or…

Summer Breeze #BoTB cover artists showdown shares #4M time slot Songs from TV series

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!  It’s the first of the month. Yep, while we weren’t looking the calendar did…
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