
21-03-2025 Vol 19

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Snow Anyone?

For all you football enthusiast, it looks like the San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens will be going head-to-head in…

Candy Cane Coffee to Email Spoofing to Music to Goodies to Prayer Request

Aah, the taste of peppermint and coffee together! What a festive cup of delight this is for my taste buds.…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook

A few months ago, I stumbled upon The Simple Woman’s Daybook. I have meant to link up with this monthly…

Weird Things I Do When I’m Alone to Celebrity Crushes to Other Musings

What do Tuesdays mean to you? For me, it’s my time to random up. Yep, it’s my one day of…

Horse Whipped NOT and Random Stuff

The last three weeks I’ve procrastinated terribly on my daily exercise regimen. In my defense, DS’s graduation consumed all of…
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