Tag: friends
November 27, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
Thankful for my Family and Friends
November is almost gone. Our girl, Marie from XmasDolly, did a stellar job on this month’s themes and she’s closing…
November 22, 2018
Special Occasions
I’m thankful to call you friend! #Thanksgiving #blessings
Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! I’m away from Blogosphere but I couldn’t let today slip by without sending my…
November 09, 2014
Monday's Music Moves Me
The blessings of family & friends music
Okay, kittens and dawgs I think I’m finally back from my long hiatus! It’s a new month with a new…
June 20, 2014
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies: Witness Protection to Silly Friends
Good-morning, my lovelies! It’s Friday. Do we know what that means? It’s time for some giggles and laughs.
January 01, 2014
Special Occasions
To all of my dear friends
As the old year fades away and the New Year rushes in my hope for you, is that you will…