Tag: Feline Friday
March 19, 2021
Friday Sillies
Get your smiles on, it’s Friday!
Hi, thanks for making me a part of your day. I’m not doing so well in Blogosphere. Ever since I…
March 05, 2021
Friday Sillies
March in like a lamb, random funnies, & fill-ins
Here in Knoxville, TN March came in like a lamb. I figured with the windiness we got this past Sunday…
February 19, 2021
Friday Sillies
I have only one job to do today
I debated all week about whether or not to do a Friday Sillies edition. Late yesterday afternoon, I decided to…
January 22, 2021
Friday Sillies
I Can See Clearly Now BoTB results and laughs
WOW, here we are the 4th Friday of January with three weeks of the new year gone! Okay, it’s time…
September 18, 2020
Friday Sillies
What does Grumpy Cat and COVID have in common?
What does Grumpy Cat and COVID have in common? Absolutely nothing but it sure does make great material for this…