Tag: dogs
March 30, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
Take a Walk in the Park Day #walking theme songs
It’s the last Monday in March and soon another month will come to an end. Where did the days go? …
March 27, 2020
Friday Sillies
It’s all about the laughs
How are y’all doing? Are you surviving the ‘Safe at Home’ order? We’re coping fine. It’s actually nice having DH…
November 09, 2018
Friday Sillies
More Fake Movie Posters on #FridaySillies
Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! Another week bites the dust. This is DH’s off Friday, so I’m sharing nothing…
July 06, 2012
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies #33 – Animal Attacks
Welcome to week 33 of Friday Sillies! This is your chance to simply roll with the punches. What’s tickling your…