Wayback Wednesday 9th grade prom

Last Thursday I shared 5 traits that I love about DH and one of them reminded of a special memory.  The way the school district was setup some kids like myself did not get to go the Iaeger (pronounced like Yaeger) High School for their freshman year but instead spent that year at Bradshaw Junior High were I attended school from grade 5 through 9.     In December 1976,   I was in grade 9.  The upper class as we were looked up received certain privileges.  One was a Christmas prom.  The downside was we couldn’t bring a date if they weren’t students already at the junior high.  I was bummed.  DH and I started going steady that September.  I really wanted to be on his arm for my first school dance.  He understood encouraging me to go and have a good time.   In rural West Virginia there aren’t any malls or fancy dress shops for  young girls to purchase or rent prom attire.  Many of the girls, including myself choose to make long gowns in Home Economics that  year.  I’m not sure who took the picture but below I’m standing with some of my besties.  Yep, that’s me the smallest gal on your left with the short hair.  Next to me in order is: Zella, Veronica, and Kathy.  Zel and I were good buds that year.  Veronica and Kathy were not only my friends but second or third cousins.

No sooner after the camera flashed the band began playing.  Oh, boy music!  The first few notes grabbed my attention quickly.  The opening of Grand Funk Railroad’s “We’re An American Band” is distinctive.  I spun around discovering DH playing drums.   I felt giddy stupid and honestly I couldn’t tell you what it’s like to be high but at that moment it was the closest thing I imagined it might feel like.  There I was beaming brighter than the Christmas lights.  After the song, he took a short break to join me on the floor.   That’s when I learned he asked Tony if he could play with the band so he could surprise me.  Now, ain’t that sweet?  It made the evening almost magical and the best Christmas prom a young girl could ever hope for!

Can you think of something memorable from your first prom?

Here’s that memorable song that made me whirl around the dance floor.







What a wonderful way to move on to my next segment with Mary’s Weekly Song Challenge at JingleJangleJungle.  This week’s prompts include, a TV show theme song, a coin, and a time of day.  The first one came to mind easy, “The Love Boat theme”.  That was a favorite of ours to watch in the late 70s through the early 80s.  I couldn’t think of a coin song title.  Songfacts didn’t have near the selection I had hoped for but when I spotted “Penny Lover” (Lionel Ritchie).  Chicago was or is our favorite band from the 70s & 80s so the last song pick came to mind quickly, “25 or 6 to 4”.  Just click play to enjoy my mini playlist. 😉


 **NOTE this linky party is for WEEKLY SONG CHALLENGE**

Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. March 9th is National Get Over It Day…what’s something you need to ‘just get over already’? Currently, nothing effects me to where I just need to get over it.  However, there’s a whole lot of individuals out there that really need to “just get over it already” in regards to the political/social hogwash.

2. Something you’re currently ‘over the moon’ about? This is another one that’s not totally relatable.  Wait, this does apply to me.  I’m ‘over the moon’ in love with DH!  It baffles my mind how I’m more in love with this fella each day.  How can the heart fill with that kind of love that’s immeasurable is beyond my comprehension but then maybe we aren’t meant to understand it all. 

3. What’s something you’re ‘chewing over’ these days? (meaning-thinking over carefully)  I mulled over whether or not to take part in the biggest blog fest in Blogosphere next month.

4. The last thing you cooked or ate that was overdone? Left over pizza.  I heated it too long making the crust hard and dry. *sigh*  If you like crunchy then this is definitely the way to go!

5. In celebration of hitting volume 411 in the weekly Hodgepodge, give us the 411 on something happening in your life in the next 30 days.   Starting April 1st I’m hunkering down for my 8th year of A2Zing. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Some of the questions this week have worked well leading up to my random thoughts for today.  As you now may know, I decided to toss my hat into the ring for another round of torturous fun next month in the A to Z Challenge.  Yesterday, I shared my theme reveal, if you’re interested.  The last two or three years, I normally leave everything else on the back burner to get my A2Z affairs in order but this time I’m going to do my best to keep up the pace with my regular blog routine.  Usually, I like to begin all of this in late January or early February but I really thought I was going to sit this one out.  We’ll see how well things go and if you’re rolling on the floor with laughter then don’t even tell me about it. 

Have a wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

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