Tag: Cherokee NC
September 29, 2021
Wild Wednesdays
The Little Mermaid Art Sketches, Hodgepodge, and WSC
Howdy-hi, folks! It’s mid-week again and it’s the last Wednesday in the month. The days disappear quickly on a person…
January 27, 2021
Wild Wednesdays
Weekly Song Challenge: A profession, day of the week, and a vehicle & a Wednesday Hodgepodge Q&A
Let’s start hump day with mewsic. Mary from JingleJangleJungle host’s a mid-week song challenge. She tosses out three prompts and…
September 04, 2019
Wild Wednesdays
Through Madisonville going to the Smoky’s and then home again
Although, summer isn’t over officially many of now consider it a thing of the past. Of course, here in east…
May 16, 2018
Wordless Wednesday
Soco Falls near Cherokee NC
Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! Photography hasn’t been at the top of my list since DH had retina attachment surgery more…