Tag: blue ridge parkway
August 12, 2020
Thursday Art Date, Wild Wednesdays
Canoeists on Lake Price Brushstrokes
I’m doing a repeater from last week with a mashup of two daily hops in one post to get my…
July 27, 2020
Monday's Music Moves Me
String music with David Lanz and other artists on the last Monday in July
Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! July is drawing to an end and time marches by quicker than the day…
April 05, 2020
Songsational Sundays
You’re Gonna Be Okay
When I looked through my archived photos I found the above picture I took in the Appalachian mountains from Mt.…
March 18, 2020
Wild Wednesdays
Silhouette Blue Ridge Mountains from Mt Mitchell WW
I can’t seem to pull myself from my routine blog posting. No doubt by the time May, yes May gets…
February 16, 2020
Songsational Sundays
Through my weakness, God makes me strong
This past Monday’s daily Bible study, Christina Fox was spot on with how I’ve felt a million times over whenever…